People have a (true) purpose in their life. This purpose makes them to do some thing and achieve something. The persons who holds the purpose in his life, is surely capable to make a mark for him self. You cannot set your destination unless you know the path nor you can follow the path unless you know your destination. So, both are equally essential. You need to set your goal and work on that goal to achieve that
Good things happen to you if you are on the true track of your goals. If you some thing that you do not like, you are not on your purpose. People turn to do the things which they don’t like either forcefully or due to bad habit/company. But doing the things against one’s wish causes guilt and depression that sucks you from within like a termite.
Here we are not talking about the jobs where are forced to work till the age of retirement and die soon after that. When we are on purpose, we get fired up and keep going till we achieve it. the purpose is the thing that adds meaning to life. It creates a desire to achieve some thing in life. So, it is you to understand the importance of purpose in life. Find your true purpose in life and learn to follow it.
Go back to your past life. Examine what have the experiences taught you. if you have learnt to conquer them without letting your mind diverted of your purpose, you surely are the winner. No one can stop you of achieving what you want. You can live your life as you wanted to.
Do not ask your self how to make money while doing what you love. This is quite difficult question. In stead ask your self how to add more value to your as well as other’s life while doing what you love. It should be more important that you are doing what you ever loved rather than the money-making.
You should think about your liking but at the same time you must be aware of other’s liking or not. Suppose, your parents does not want you to join modeling, but you have done so against their wish. This is depicting your disobedience towards your parents. Rather you must have talked to them patiently and then arrive at a conclusion. They are your parents; they have a complete right on your lives.
You must set up your purpose in life but at the same time you must try to add some values to others’ life. If you would not join modeling, it will not cause you any harm. But if you do so against your parent’s wish, you will loose your parent’s support. Making others happy is more important than wandering for self-happiness.
If you love to do some work, try to find out the ways through which you can make others happy and add value to others’ life. The joy you will gain from this will be far deeper than you will fetch after you reach your goal. Try every time to make others happy. If you love some thing try to add value to other people’s life while doing what you love.
Suppose you love writing. Think how you can add value to other people’s life while doing that. You can do so by Writing –
There are many ways you can do that if you truly wanna do that.
You can create a wonderful lifestyle out of your passion and purpose. What you do now depicts what you will be in your near future. Many famous businessmen or top authors are the examples. They become famous because they have conquered what they loved. They lived their dreams.
You can take this for any body. The people who are rude and arrogant, can they find any way to serve others out of what they do. YES! He surely can do so. You may be wondering how?
Here’s the answer, he can write books or teach others to be bold and straight forward. Many people lack courage even for smaller things. They find themselves dependant on others. So this person can help others to get rid of his timid nature. He can make an audio program to get others rid of timidity.
This is what you require. You should have the courage to make your purpose meaningful. Be kind to your self but be generous to others…
“It is very easy to make others cry but it is equally difficult to make others smile.” - UNKNOWN
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