How to Get Rid of Acne
In order to have the simplified understanding of how to treat acne it is necessary that you know little about the causes. The knowledge of the cause will help you in the application of the remedy. The article dealt with three basic causes of acne and give how acne problem could be solved by removing this causes
In order to get rid of acne,

it is necessary that you understand the causes in the first place. It is worthy of note that the formation of acne pimples is a pretty complicated process that even scientists and dermatologists find it difficult to grasp the full understanding of their cause. The common belief is that it is caused by what can be summed up in a fairly simple manner that it is caused by acne bacteria get trapped inside a pore. Then the bacteria feed upon the sebum trapped inside the pore, and multiply, leading to an infection. When the body takes note ot this infection, it tries to protect itself from it and this leads to inflammation, which results in a huge, red, inflamed spot.With this basic information, it could be concluded that there are simply three basic ways to deal with acne issue.• Destroy the bacteria since it is the bacteria that cause the infection so if there is no bacteria to cause an infection, then there will be no acne.• Since oil can clog pores, and give the favorable environment for the bacteria to thrive on, less oil means less acne so reduce the oil on the surface of the skin.• If you can keep dead skin cells from clogging up a pore, you'll reduce the number of spots so; stop the pore from getting clogged in the first placeLets see what things could be done to see that these points are taken care of so that we can get rid of acne Regular washing of your face will help to accomplish two goals that is removal of excess oil from the surface of the skin and killing the bacteria on the skin.In order to achieve this there will be need for a gentle, non-comedogenic, non-irritating antibacterial cleanser. These are very many off counter solution that we can choose from. This is simply done by splashing your face once or twice with warm water and then squeezes a small sized amount of the cleanser into your hands. Let it develop into a rich lather, and then apply to the face, with extra carefulness and gentleness. You don’t need to scrub or rub it hard, because this will not help the acne, it will only make it worse. With only the tips of your fingers using no pressure at all very gently, rub it onto your skin for one minute straight. The reason for this is to make sure that all of the bacteria are killed off. After that then rinse the cleanser from your face or the infected part, and gently pat the skin dry with a clean towel.Another powerful solution is the application of Benzoyl Peroxide. Benzoyl Peroxide is a very common over-the-counter acne treatment product. It works by creating an oxygen rich environment within the skin, interrupting the metabolic process of the bacteria, causing it to die off. It also serves as anti-inflammatory, helping to reduce redness.Never use anything that is 10% Benzoyl Peroxide except it will be cleansed immediately after application without staying on your skin for long. You can get any product that have 5% Benzoyl Peroxide, or even less percentage could be better as low as 2.5% is very adequate. No matter which product you choose, apply it gently to your skin after cleansing.Salicylic Acid is another very good material that can be used to get rid of acne. It helps your skin to shed dead skin cells faster. Therefore this prevents the dead skin cells from forming a clog inside pores which will eventually trap the bacteria that will lead to the formation of acne pimple.2% salicylic acid content of any product is recommended. When you are through with the application of benzoyl peroxide and it has dried, gently apply the salicylic acid. In this way you’re now protecting your skin from three major causes of acne, and hopefully your skin will begin to clear up!Visit for 7 days free course on how to permanently cure acne