How to Get Rid of Acne on Chest
Also known as body acne, chest acne can take a number of forms ranging from a small number of red pimples and spots to pustules, blackheads, whiteheads as well as cysts.
Also known as body acne,

chest acne can take a number of forms ranging from a small number of red pimples and spots to pustules, blackheads, whiteheads as well as cysts. Anyone between the age of 11 and above and even older can be affected by this skin disease, whether it be men or women. In its mild form, it may not always cause major discomfort but severe forms can lead to skin infection, bleeding and scarring.Chest acne can affect people ranging from 11 to 40 years old and above. It can appear equally in both men and women. Chest acne can be defeated in various ways which are discussed below:1. For people who have a meek form of chest acne, which is called 'zits', the treatment is rather easy. First of all one should not worry about the kind and number of treatment options available as there are numerous alternatives that can be taken up, which basically depend on the harshness of your situation. What you need to know is that there is no recognized treatment for acne and the reason is that the true cause of chest acne is not known. Hence the treatment available is to basically treat the symptoms which directly heal the acne.2. Do not attempt to squeeze a blemish with your naked hands or endeavor to slash through a swelling. This can lead to an infection and can also cause a bit of scarring to emerge.3. An antibacterial soap should be used to wash the affected area. After this, dry your skin and then apply an antibacterial cream.4. A vast number of over-the-counter creams and gels for the treatment of chest acne that consist of benzoyl peroxide are now available. Benzoyl peroxide is an effectual oxidizer that kills bacteria and also decreases the ruddiness and inflammation.5. If you have a severe form of chest acne such as pustules and cysts, go to a doctor for proper treatment. Stronger medicines, injections, steroids or laser therapy might be recommended.6. It is also possible that tight clothing might be aggravating your chest acne so try to avoid wearing tight clothing. Wear light materials like cotton so that your skin is not rubbed against quite a lot. Also make sure that after you have sweated a lot, make sure you take a shower immediately.