Cystic acne also known as nodular acne is one of the worst types of acne. Cystic acne occurs when you develop cysts with your acne. If not treated properly, this can lead to acne scarring. When there are scars on the skin, your skin is not smooth and this is usually ugly.
Cysts can be painful and have the potential to infect large areas of the skin than the usual acne. People with cystic acne usually consult a dermatologist or an acne expert for powerful antibiotics and acne products which can treat this type of skin condition whereas some have recourse to natural cystic acne remedies. If the cystic acne is too severe, it's better to seek the help and advice of a skin doctor. The worst thing you can do is try to squeeze the cysts to eliminate them. This is not a good solution as your skin condition will aggravate and this can lead to further infection, swelling, redness and inflammation.
But it does not hurt if you use some additional natural acne healing techniques at home to alleviate your cystic acne. This will just help. Making use of herbs like calendula and herbal teas like dried green tea leaves for instance will just provide an additional remedy.
Acne products which contain extract of green tea and aloe vera have also proven to have healing benefits on the skin as they refresh, cool, soothe, clean and purify the skin. Soaps and gels with aloe vera ingredients can clean the skin and remove any impurities and the application of an aloe vera based cream afterwards can alleviate, moisturize and refresh your skin. Green tea acne cream is also beneficial.
To lessen the effect of the cystic acne, pay proper attention to your diet as well and deal with stress effectively as these will speed up the healing process. Be sure to read my article titled "Acne Sufferer - Home Remedy To Treat, Cure and Clear Up Acne Zits". Usually what is applicable to treating simple acne can also be applied to more severe acne to lessen the negative effects and with time potentially cure it. If you can't get rid of your nodular acne or if the gravity is still unbearable, it's wiser to consult a dermatologist who can prescribe a treatment specially for your case.
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