How to Lose Weight Quickly? Here Is The Mantra To Lose Weight Fast And Easy

Oct 28


Ram  Gupta

Ram Gupta

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There is no hidden secret on how to lose weight fast and easy. All it requires is adjustment in your life style, food habits and exercise routine.


People are usually looking for the secret that will tell them how to lose weight quickly. However,How to Lose Weight Quickly? Here Is The Mantra To Lose Weight Fast And Easy Articles contrary to what many people think, there is nothing elusive or mysterious about weight loss programs. In fact, making some small changes to your everyday life and making it healthier and more active is a great way drop those extra pounds quickly.

Eat by all Means

Starving or fasting in NOT a prerequisite for any program that tells you how to lose weight real fast. While it's true that you need to reduce the intake of calories to get slim, you are not required to stop eating all together. Go ahead and eat! There's no harm in that. However, eat intelligently; and eat good carbs that have low glycemic index. For e.g. choose whole wheat bread over the processed white bread, or go in for brown rice as opposed to white rice.

However, there is one important demand of a weight loss diet - junk food is a definite no-no. There is no positive effect of eating junk food. If you feel like snacking, snack healthy. Instead of reaching out for that calorie loaded candy bar, opt for a nutrition bar. Substitute regular cream with low-fat cream and when you feel the need to binge, have fruits or salads instead.

Another thing, the breakfast, lunch, and dinner routine is passé and no longer an integral part of a weight loss diet. Any professional trainer, who's guiding you, will recommend smaller meals that are spread throughout the day. The benefits of doing so? Your body gets a faster metabolism, you stay full throughout the day and you are less inclined to snacking on something unhealthy.

Exercise and keep a Tab

Regular exercise is recommended and there's no way to avoid that. Do a combination of aerobic, cardio and strength and endurance exercises. Aim for a 30-minute exercise sessions, at least four to five times a week.

Keep a tab on your workout that tells you how much exercise you do everyday? That way you can easily plan your exercise routine and bring in some variety. If you've done a session on the treadmill today, tomorrow you could try a session of weightlifting. At the end of the month, measure the inches and see how much weight loss you've achieved.

Those small changes we talked about...

Still wondering how to lose weight fast? Incorporate some basic changes into your life. What kind of changes? Dump your car and walk or cycle to your office, if it is near. For those who take the subway, get off a station before and walk the rest of the way. Choose the stairs over the elevator and in your break time try-and get some exercise in your cabin. Do some yoga or stretching when you are watching TV, and if possible, get up earlier and go for a brisk walk around the park.

In the End

Stop looking for a magic mantra that will tell you how to lose weight quickly. There's no such mantra and you don't get anything in life from short cuts. If you want to lose weight, you'll need to work for it. That's the plain fact. Anyone who tells you otherwise is leading you up the garden path. Don't be taken in by these promises. Think intelligently, workout hard and eat healthy - that's the real weight loss mantra.

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