How to Start Getting a Good Night’s Sleep.
A helpful article for many people who are increasingly suffering from a good night's sleep. A deeper look into what may be causing your sleeplessness is broken down as well as how to begin addressing the issue.
Sleeping disorders are the most common clinic problem we face today. Approximately one third of all Americans have sleep disorders at some point in their lives. Approximately 20-40% of adults report difficulty sleeping at some point each year. Approximately 17% of adults consider the problem to be serious. Sleep disorders are a common reason for patient visits throughout medicine. Approximately one third of adults have insufficient sleep syndrome. Twenty percent of adults report chronic insomnia. Insufficient sleep can result in industrial and motor vehicle crashes,

somatic symptoms, cognitive dysfunction, depression, and decrements in daytime work performance owing to fatigue or sleepiness.Do you know that if you calculate the hours of sleep you get per day, and the amount of sleep per year, you have slept over half your life away! Well, if you are going to sleep most of your life, you may as well have a “good nights sleep”.First, take into consideration how old your mattress is. We have patients tell us that there is a 20 year warrantee on their mattress. If someone tells you this, they are not telling you the truth! Mattresses have a life of about 6 years. You may flip your mattress, or even turn your mattress, but the truth is that the mattress will wear with time. Lets say your spouse is heavier than you. Wouldn’t you think that one side of the mattress will get more worn that the other? Of course it would.Enough about your mattress, and lets talk about your sleeping posture. Its really hard to say how you sleep at night, because we all wake up in really odd positions. If you awake up with no feeling in your hands and or feet, you may be pinching nerves or cutting off blood supply. If you awake with a “kink” in your neck, you may have “subluxations” in your spine while sleeping. If you awake with a stiff back, you may have been in a position too long.Chiropractors can evaluate your sleep habits and reinforce good sleeping posture. They can also remove those “subluxations” thru gentle adjustments of either the neck and or lower back. These adjustments will allow the spine to return to its normal state and allow relief to the nerve that is being “pinched”. Most treatments are instantaneous relief, but others may need further care. Proper diet will also ensure a good nights sleep. Staying away from heavy carbohydrates, and eating a lighter dinner consisting of proteins and fruits will give you better a night’s sleep. For more information on wellness and general health please visit our Chicago chiropractic website and click through to the blog.