A six month smile treatment is a viable option for straightening crooked or crowded teeth. Discusses the advantages of having the treatment performed and tries to encourage people to do so.
Did you know it's entirely possible to have straighter teeth and have a six month smile? They think of everything nowadays! Your fast-paced,

busy lifestyle may just need the boost a great smile can give.
Let's suppose you'll be finished earning a degree in business in less than a year. The obvious next step will be to find a good job. You've got one drawback - your crooked or crowded teeth. You know they may keep you from putting forth the best appearance you can in order to find that great job.
What are you going to do about it?
Look for an orthodontist who can transform your crooked teeth into a radiant smile that can help you land that super new job!
A six month smile is a new technique in orthodontics which has been described as, "a modern twist on the tried-and-true." It utilizes the braces method and changes the procedure slightly by using a new treatment and new materials.
Here are a few of the advantages of this procedure:
1. Average procedure of only six months
2. The brackets and wires are almost invisible
3. Appointments are more comfortable and fast
4. Easier to clean
5. More comfortable to wear
6. Safer than metal braces
7. Less expensive than any other teeth straightening treatments
With traditional braces, most of the focus is on correcting your bite. With this new technique, the focus is on correcting your crooked or crowded teeth. This enables the wearer to enjoy their food and their life much more while wearing them.
In most cases, the teeth are straight within one-half year. Some cases may require a little longer but some also may even require less than a half year. The good news is while you're wearing them, you will thoroughly enjoy yourself in every way. The force used to move the teeth is so slight it's hardly noticeable. The concentration is on moving the teeth in the front. That's one reason this process takes so little time.
The reason I've listed the advantages so early in this article is because they are terrific! Today, many people are living an unhappy, embarrassing and self-conscious existence because of their teeth. You know them because you see them covering their mouth with their hand when they smile, laugh or sometimes even just when they talk. I hope you aren't one of them, but if you are, there's an answer.
Those very people never opt to get their teeth fixed because they don't want to be trapped into wearing braces for a long time. Or, maybe they feel braces are just too expensive for their budget. Whatever the reason, now they have a viable option. A six month smile option which is far less expensive than traditional braces.
And most orthodontists guarantee this procedure will work on just about anyone. So, what are you waiting for? Knowing what you know now, you should be dialing for a six month smile appointment. Happy smiling!