Implant Dentistry for Placement and Restoration
Find out how implant dentistry can help replace your teeth for a healthy and happy smile.
The body changes that we experience as we age can bring growth,

strength, and youthful beauty when we are young. However, weakening, difficulty healing, and loss can begin at any point throughout the aging process, especially in old age. This is particularly noticeable on the skin, the condition of one's hair, and within the mouth. Within the mouth, we still predominately focus on the stains, swelling, and holes that we can see.
Implant dentistry is not only important to aging process it is important to individuals who loose teeth for various reasons. Dental care and traumatic facial injury no longer mean permanent loss. Implant dentistry can over long term improvement as long as there is adequate jawbone to attach the titanium devices.
Both men and women tend to ignore oral pains starting in one's twenties because they are so busy tending to and paying for more pressing concerns or so we think. However, the primary oral health concerns that we ignore within the teeth, below the gum line and within the jaw are signs of a deep infection that can only be remedied by removal of the infected area. This is how the rest of the bone, tooth, and tissue is salvaged. However, no one would willing choose to go without teeth. We need teeth for nourishment and comfortable smiling. This is when the ongoing research, tools and talents of the implant dentistry profession are useful in bringing back the shape, tint and, most importantly, the strength of teeth that you once had in youth.
Implant dentistry provides the necessary second step between the removal of a rotted or broken tooth and the placement of prosthesis. After the deteriorated tooth or teeth have been removed by a dental surgeon a combination of x-rays, digital imaging, and examination will be used to determine your candidacy for the insertion of the titanium rods that will be secured into sufficient bone mass. If the patient has sustained injury to the jaw but possess strong bone, for example, he or she would be an ideal candidate for a bone graft donation from elsewhere in the body, in order to support the titanium device. Frankly, tooth and jaw bone damage due to infection or injury are the most common reasons for the restorative aspects of implant dentistry.
Implant dentistry is important in the efforts men and women make towards sustainable oral health. If there is significant damage that requires tooth and pulp removal, you don't have to simply go without smiling, biting or chewing your favorite foods. Implant dentistry gives back what you were intended to keep without the threat of loss again. They can be repaired, if needed, to continue to offer a future of prosthetic tooth success.