Inexpensive Baby Colic Remedies You Can Try At Home
If you are looking for tips and tricks that can help you to soothe a colicky baby, this article will provide you with a few of the more widely used baby colic remedies.
There are many different baby colic remedies out there that have been developed over the years,

and most are either free or cost very little. A baby is usually described as colicky when he or she cries for long periods of time, up to 3 hours or so, and for seemingly no reason. If this sounds like the situation you are currently going through, then try out a few of these remedies for colic and see if any of them can help to alleviate your baby’s condition. One of the first baby colic remedies that you should give a try is some simple infant massage. This is an excellent way to get your baby to calm down and relax. Some doctor’s think that this condition has a lot to do with the drastic change from the comfort of the womb to the strange sights and sounds of the outside world. A lot of stress and tension can build up over the day, which could be why babies often get colicky towards to the end of the day. A massage, preferably on the stomach can help to relieve these symptoms. If you have questions about how to effectively perform this, you can find books or information on the Internet. Another of the remedies for colic that you can do to help your baby feel like he or she is back in the womb is to swaddle them nice and snug. Some babies simply do not like this however, so if your baby struggles against it it is important that you do not force them. The art of swaddling isn’t something you can usually pick up on your own, so be sure to find some techniques for doing it effectively, either online or from a book in your local library. There are also swaddling blankets that are designed especially for this purpose which can help to make things easier. If neither of these two baby colic remedies seems to be helping, it may be time to make a diet adjustment. If you feed your baby with formula try to find a product that is easier to digest. Your baby may even be lactose intolerant, so try a soy formula and see how it goes. If you breastfeed however, you may have to adjust your own diet. There are a lot of things you could be eating that could be affecting your baby’s condition such as garlic, caffeine, diary, beans, spicy foods, etc. The last of the baby colic remedies we will be looking at today is simple motion. If you keep your baby moving it can help them to relax and become less irritable. You can try a baby swing, baby stroller, or a baby sling. Once again, this solution is tied to the baby’s reaction to being taken from the comfort of the womb.