Internal Hemorrhoids Symptoms
Internal hemorrhoids symptoms differ from external hemorrhoids symptoms in a few ways. Internal ones are not as painful or uncomfortable as external o...
Internal hemorrhoids symptoms differ from external hemorrhoids symptoms in a few ways. Internal ones are not as painful or uncomfortable as external ones. You will not notice a great amount of itching or discomfort from internal ones because they are not exposed to the many factors that external ones are exposed to such as sitting and wiping.
In fact,

the most common internal hemorrhoids symptoms are mainly the sight of blood after a bowel movement on the toilet paper, stool or toilet itself. Many people are not even aware that they have a problem until they see these internal hemorrhoids symptoms. You will know that you are dealing with internal hemorrhoids symptoms rather than external because you will not feel the significant pain that more frequently accompanies external.
The reason you are noticing blood appearing after bowel movements as one of the internal hemorrhoids symptoms is that the vein in your rectum has dilated and bulged to the point where it has ripped the vein. Another reason you may notice blood as one of the internal hemorrhoids symptoms is that often when straining to move the bowels, you pass some stool that is sharp and cuts the vein as it passes. The quality of blood circulation and cleanliness of the blood may also contribute to small blood clots that tear the vein walls as well.
Either way, the vein has become inflamed and that is why you are noticing internal hemorrhoids symptoms. The best thing to do to rid yourself of internal hemorrhoids symptoms is to take care of them internally. By that, I mean that it is very difficult to apply any type of topical solvent to help them to go away. In fact one of the most common forms of treating this external type of ailment is to put a topical salve or ointment on it. However, internal hemorrhoids symptoms cannot easily be treated topically because of where they lay in the rectal area.
The best oral treatment for relieving your internal hemorrhoids symptoms is one that helps in strengthening your veins and softening your stool. Herbal ingredients such as Stone Root and White Oak Bark have wonderful proven vein strengthening properties which would definitely help to relieve your internal hemorrhoids symptoms. Butchers Broom has even been known to relieve vein problems as well.
To ensure you are able to relieve your internal hemorrhoids symptoms, you may also look for ingredients in your oral treatment that improve the cleanliness and circulation of the blood. This will in turn reduce your likeliness of developing more problems and also increase healing your internal hemorrhoids symptoms.
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Erin Celeste
Aspiring Herbalist & Hemorrhoid Researcher
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