Invisalign and Britain's Teeth
With the power of Invisalign, the British can shed a negative stereotype. For too long, the British have been typecast as universally having crooked, unappealing teeth.
Invisalign is an alternative to metal braces that is used to straighten and enhance the teeth and gum alignment. In Santa Clara,

California, the company that developed the technology has several thousand employees and has trained hundreds of thousands of dentists in the United States on how to fit and utilize the Invisalign technology. As such, Invisalign can help straighten and tighten the teeth and gums together for a straight-looking smile and bite. Because the British hold such the stereotype of having such terrible alignment, this product may be beneficial for nearly everyone living on the island. It isn't to poke (too much) fun at the British, but helping the dental care of an entire nation should be a global priority. It is unclear why the British hold this stereotype of bad teeth, but there are several theories. Some have suggested that it is the acidic nature of tea that is constantly consumed by the nation of limeys, while others have suggested that it is due to their not adding fluoride to the water system in the same manner as their American cousins. Whatever the reason, Invisalign could clearly help the smiles of every Brit who dares to beam their jagged chompers in a camera. While it may be that the Americans are simply too obsessed with dental care, it's clear that the British have little to no care whatsoever. Not only would the device help the entire nation's smile, but also it would stop the Americans from making poking fun. That would mean one less joke in the Austin Powers series! Imagine a massive amount of B52 bombers flying over the United Kingdom, but instead of dropping bombs, thousands of packages of Invisalign could be parachuted into everyone's backyard, even the Queen's. While not every Brit has a dental problem, they probably know someone who does. Thus, anyone without a dental problem could easily walk next door and hand off the technology to a friend or family member. It's been said that you can literally throw a stone in Britain and find somebody with a crooked grill. If this is the case, this teeth-straightening product could probably help tremendously. One of the best things about this device is that it is transparent, so no one can tell that you're actually wearing braces. This would be beneficial in several ways. With Americans' short historical memory, they would eventually forget that the products were dropped over Britain and we would be overjoyed in the sudden disappearance of these horrific teeth in Britain. A clear device would mean that they could easily hide the embarrassment of receiving free dental care from the United States. It's a win-win situation for better dental care for all.