Invisalign is today’s first choice of treatment of dentists as well as orthodontists.
Invisalign is today’s topmost choice of treatment of dentists as well as orthodontists for the purpose of giving their patients the craved look and unafraid smile,

with aesthetically straightened up teeth, with no terrible metallic brackets and wires.
Similar to any other medical activity or drug, this device also has its own advantages and disadvantages.
The foremost benefit is definitely related to looks, due to which it is so popular. These aligners are entirely transparent and hence, it is rarely imaginable to believe that the patient is wearing any kind of braces. One more plus point is they are simpler to wear than the conventional fixed braces. They are comfortable to dispose and so give rise to no problem in taking food, unlike traditional brackets and wire braces.
There are various clinical scoring points also. A lot of adverse effects of customary fixed aligners are uprooted by these modern aligners. Main is the impact on gums and also supporting tissue, which arose due to most of the orthodontic aids. These other processes diminish the teeth roots. Almost 50% of patients suffer from either tooth decay or demineralization due to these operations.
As the customary brackets and wire braces are indispensable, they give rise to a number of hardships during cleaning of teeth and taking X-rays. Opposite to this, these novel aligners are convenient to remove and patients are rendered an all new set in the ongoing of treatment nearly every two weeks. Each week, the extent of stress that is to be used lessens and hence, aching also is less. This is utmost useful for the patients in contrast with the customary metallic aligners, which are adjusted about every six weeks and has to be administered increased amount of pressure.
Invisalign treatment has got a computerized treatment planning which makes it clear to the patient about the look of smile after the process, the duration of the procedure and comparison of the several programs and thus s/he can think better whether or not to accept the thrapy.
This therapy is also thought to be quicker than the customary process. When the other orthodontic treatments consume an average of 3 years to accomplish, this treatment is completed simply in 1 to 1 ½ years.
When we think of the various benefits of the therapy, the disadvantages are insignificant. Still they have to be considered to determine whether to accept the process or not.
Same as the customary metallic braces, these aligners also are subject to patient’s habit and understanding. Their efficiency is based on patient’s willpower to put them on the teeth for 20-22 hours a day.
One more disadvantage is its expensiveness. So also, when they are discarded while cleaning or eating, they can be lost. Patients are therefore recommended to preserve the old braces and 2 plastic containers are given to protect them from getting misplaced or chipped.
In very rare incidents, these braces can be chipped when the patient rubs the teeth together while in sleep. Sometimes it may happen that a particular tooth causes uneasiness and the braces cannot grasp and apply the rotational force to it. Also, utterly rare are the situations when these aligners produce minor allergic reactions for example, cough, nausea and sore throat.
Although there are these types of insignificant disadvantages, Invisalign aligners are certainly far beneficial.