Invisalign Requires a Commitment
For individuals in need of orthodontia, Invisalign has been one of the most innovative and popular advancement in recent years. Yet even with the use of cutting-edge technology and less invasive practices, it still requires the same level of commitment.
For individuals in need of orthodontia,
Invisalign has been one of the most innovative and popular advancement in recent years. Yet even with the use of cutting-edge technology and less invasive practices, it still requires the same level of commitment that traditional braces do - and sometimes even more.
Invisalign has become extremely popular in recent years because it provides the results of traditional braces without the unsightly presence of metal brackets on one’s teeth.
Instead of these typical metal brackets being affixed to each tooth and connected via a wire across the front of the mouth that allows each tooth to be manipulated as needed, Invisalign uses clear, plastic mouthpieces that fit over an entire row of teeth and shifts them over time.
These mouthpieces are difficult to detect because they are colorless, giving the wearer the effects of braces without them being as noticeable as the traditional form. They can also be removed as needed, meaning the wearer can take them out to eat - an advantage over traditional braces that often restricted the types of foods and even drinks that the patient could consume due to the potential for compromising the brackets or wires.
That all being said, Invisalign still requires the same level of participation and commitment from the patient that traditional braces do, and sometimes more. Individuals who choose to undergo the treatment are given strict instructions and guidelines to follow and must do so if they hope to achieve the desired results.
Most importantly, patients must commit to wearing their aligners for between 20 and 22 hours a day. Whereas conventional orthodontia does not allow for individuals to remove the equipment from their mouths, Invisalign mouthpieces can be taken out at any time, meaning that the onus is on the patient to be committed to wearing them consistently.
The individual must also maintain a proper schedule of good oral hygiene, both in the home and in regular visits to the dentist. Because food and other substances stuck in the teeth can become stuck under the aligner, proper brushing and flossing must be performed after every meal. Similarly, a regular schedule of dentistry visits must be adhered to to ensure teeth are clean and healthy.
It is also recommended that patients who smoke or use smokeless tobacco quit these habits prior to beginning treatment. Smokeless tobacco is harmful to the gums as well as the enamel of teeth and can leave harmful additives behind that can be worsened by wearing the aligners. Tobacco use in general, whether through smoking or in the smokeless form, also reduces blood flow to the tissues within the mouth. This is counterproductive for the aligning process, as proper blood flow is required to promote the necessary movement of teeth.
Invisalign also has various potential side effects and certain procedures that may become necessary before, during or after the process. It is best to discuss the various factors involved in committing to this process before doing so to ensure that the individual is aware of what is required and is comfortable with it.