Is Healing Also Spiritual?

Feb 12


Dr. Laurence Magne

Dr. Laurence Magne

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Dr Magne is the author of The Science of Being Well Home Study Course


Anyone can place seeds in the ground and let them grow,Is Healing Also Spiritual? Articles but a man would be fully occupied making one seed grow, supervising the complex chemical activities necessary to life. To do it for one hundred or one thousand seeds would drive the best human being crazy; yet without the slightest effort Omniscience supervises a billion seeds. This is the Wisdom with which we deal in spiritual healing.

Since it has the necessary knowledge to build a body out of the common materials circulating in the mother’s blood, it certainly has not forgotten how new cells are built. Sometimes it amazes humanity by doing some remarkable rebuilding without human intervention after man has done his best and failed. Usually the prerequisite is a human consciousness that says, “I believe that ALL the wisdom of God is rebuilding this body now.”

Then is needed a power before which this seemingly intractable condition is nothing.

A person may bring himself to regard a serious growth as of no more moment than a pimple. People know that pimples disappear after a short time. As a result, they do not fear them, there is some chemical action or some power which automatically seems to remove them. They know vaguely that there is some chemical action or some power which automatically seems to remove them. When they are able to lift their awareness to this Power to the point where even the serious condition is seen to be as no more than a pimple to the Power, they are fulfilling another condition of healing. It  might be stated in this way: as long as the fear of the condition outweighs the knowledge of the Power, there is no healing; as soon as the knowledge of the Power outweighs the fear of the condition, healing occurs.

Many ‘little’ things are healed with a partial consciousness and a weak faith, but from time to time arise conditions which call for not some but all of the power of God, because the need for a consciousness of Omnipotence, in which man’s puny fears can be immersed forever.

Next is Omnipresence.

Since man has observed the Super Intelligence way out in space and at the same time buried in the infinitesimal atom, he knows that a characteristic of God must be Omnipresence.

The significance of this in healing has been overlooked. Man can readily grasp the concept of God as filling distant space; he can carry this over into a belief that Super-Intelligence fills the atmosphere of the city, for he sees the stars above; he can make it more intimate by imagining that it fills the room in which he is, that it permeates his clothing; then he can make it intensely personal by thinking of it as saturating his hear, his skin, penetrating within to the most central cell of his body. In this latter he is supported by the physiologist who sees the working of Intelligence in the chemistry of a single cell. He calls it Intelligence; we call it Infinite Healing Presence. Does it matter if we call it Nature, or God?

In one sense our surrender to illness is a denial of Omnipresence. We assist in our healing when we declare, “Right where that trouble seems to be, God is, as the Infinite Healing Omnipresence. Not near, not all around, but right in the middle of it, filling that spot to the limit so that there is no room for anything unlike Itself. I surrender myself, thought and body, to the flow of Omnipresence.

We have the feeling that Divine Intelligence must have other interests besides ours.

All the undivided attention of Super-Intelligence is concentrated on Our problem, as though there were not another person in the universe, nor a blade of grass not a star. One of the secrets of Jesus power was that he considered himself the only-begotten Son of the Father; hence it was easy to feel that all the Father’s resources were at his disposal.

There is no secret to healing for its method is spread across the face of nature.

The secret is in knowing how to apply what nature shows us to our everyday life, and even to translate what we observe to our own healing and health. To learn more about how this can be accomplished, visit and claim a FREE report of The First Secret to Creating Abundant Health.
