This is one of my best articles I've written to date. It actuallu sheds some light on what is actually contained in some of the more popular energy drinks.
Energy drinks are a multi billion-dollar industry. It seems like you can't walk into a gym, health food store, and liquor store or by a vending machine without seeing some sort of "Pick me up" or energy related drink. This article talks about the potential risks or damage that these drinks may cause.
What Are The Ingredients?
-Caffeine, a very well known stimulant found in coffee, chocolates, and now in energy drinks. Caffeine may cause you to lose calcium through your urine. Caffeine has the potential to over stimulate the adrenal glands and this weakens them with persistent and chronic use, which causes fatigue.
-Sucrose is a sugar that is 50% glucose and 50% fructose. Glucose is an important sugar that is utilized for energy in every cell in our bodies. In comparison, the substance fructose must be metabolized in the liver. Animals tested with large amounts of fructose developed fatty deposits in their livers, which resembled the damage cirrhosis does on a human beings liver. Fruit contains fructose and glucose, but they also contain fiber. The sucrose that is found in commercialized products doesn't contain fiber like natural fruits.
*Here are potential risks for consuming processed sugar:
-Sugar decreases growth hormones
-Sugar feeds cancer cells
-Sugar increases cholesterol levels
-Sugar can cause drowsiness
-Sugar contributes to diabetes
Our bodies change sugar 2 to 5 times faster into fat in the bloodstream than it does starch. The list of potential risks for sugar consumption is actually greater than what is shown.
Sucralose is a denatured sucrose, but its preparation involves chlorinating sucrose. Chlorine is a carcinogen. The replacement of three hydroxyl groups for three chlorine atoms increases the risk for coming down with cancer.
In addition, Sodium Chloride is an ingredient that raises blood pressure. It can possibly harm the cardiovascular system. Also, it may increase the mass of the left ventricle, thickens and stiffens conduit arteries.
A majority of these energy drinks contain all if not a few of the above ingredients. In addition, individuals that I know have told me that they feel a sudden crash a few hours after consuming these drinks and the "jitters" within the first few hours.
The information provided herein should not be construed as a health-care diagnosis, treatment regimen or any other prescribed health-care advice or instruction. The information is provided with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in the practice of medicine or any other health-care profession and does not enter into a health-care practioner/ patient relationship with its readers.
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