Kids Watching Too Much Television Could Have Problems Down The Road
Did you ever notice how some kids just watch television and play video games all the time? It seems like a problem and yet there really are some benefits to educational television and games but when they replace activities like imaginary play and outdoor exercise they could be doing your kids more harm then good.
Did you ever notice how some kids just watch television and play video games all the time? It seems like a problem and yet there really are some benefits to educational television and games but when they replace activities like imaginary play and outdoor exercise they could be doing your kids more harm then good.
Anyone will likely hear the same thing from their child's doctor. They worry that when kids spend a lot of time on video games and watching TV they become too sedentary. They are not spending any time to become physically stronger or learning at their own pace naturally. It is suspected that these types of sedentary habits lead to obesity and is part of the reason why there is an epidemic amount of obese kids in our country.
There are several affects that television watching does have on young children such as lack of attention as well as causing those children who fall asleep with the television on to keep their eyes partially open when they sleep which may cause them sleep issues down the road. And while television can be a useful tool when used properly it has become more the equivalent of a babysitter for children so that their parents can get more done.
If you are wondering that maybe your child is suffering from issues now because of too much TV,

then talk to your pediatrician. They will definitely have opinions and suggestions as to whether or not they think your child needs more activity and what they have in mind that would be good for them to do. Be sure to get all of the tests that the doctor asks for because they can find things out from the child's body fluids that will tell a lot.
Healthy life habits begin early on and if you want to help your children become healthy adults then the best thing that you can do is provide them with well balanced meals, plenty of activity, adequate rest, as well as to teach them healthy habits early on. Vegetating in front of the television can sometimes be fun but if your child is spending most of their time on television and video games it may be time to rethink your parenting strategies and find something that works a little better for their lives.