Know About Braces for Adults
If you're looking for braces as an adult, know that today's orthodontic methods are more advanced than you might think. Read more on how this and other orthodontic options can give you more confidence as an adult.
As an adult,
if you have misaligned teeth, you may feel extremely sensitive and and may suffer from a lack of confidence in your smile. Maybe you went through orthodontic work as a child but factors like wisdom teeth coming in or dental trauma caused a new misalignment. Maybe you didn’t have the opportunity to have orthodontic work done as a pre teen or teenager. Regardless, it’s never too late for braces. They are still the best option out there for teeth straightening. You can also seek out new alternatives to help you if you feel uncomfortable with the traditional options.
First of all, the most important thing to know about the orthodontics of today is that they are not nearly as cumbersome as the options of old. The braces you may have had or your parents may have had as younger children required more metal and thicker wires than the options available today. Everything used in modern orthodontic work is lighter, with more options for a natural look, such as clear or naturally colored wires. This helps keep your orthodontic work be less noticeable while still being effective at shifting your teeth.
Traditional braces to require fairly lengthy appointments in order to properly oversee the shifting of your teeth. The way this method works is your orthodontist adjusts the mechanisms in your mouth to coax your teeth into alignment. Traditional options can be very painful the day after your shifting appointment but over time your teeth will adjust properly. There is also an extensive period where a retainer must be worn to properly maintain the movement, sometimes upwards of two years. This may seem a bit long but they significantly help keep your teeth aligned. If you had orthodontic work as a child and didn’t wear your retainer, you may have lost that alignment. Make sure as an adult that you don’t make the same mistake twice.
If you’re still hesitant to seek out traditional options, there are alternatives to braces. The newest technique in teeth straightening is sets of clear aligners. These options are more subtle and do not require metal at all to assist in the straightening of your teeth. Sets of aligners are custom-molded by your dentist to fit over your teeth. Every two weeks, you are given a new set of aligners and the gradual shift will move your teeth. What’s great about this options is not only does it allow you to have less noticeable orthodontic work done, but you can take them out for cleaning, eating, and for important social engagements. This allows you to care for your smile better throughout the process of straightening. No stubborn food caught in wires!
Regardless of whether you get traditional braces or seek out alternatives, the most important thing to remember is not to feel bad about the fact that you are going through this process as an adult. There are lots of adults out there seeking orthodontic work for healthier, more confident smiles. Talk to your dentist about your desires to straighten your teeth an what options are best for your smile and lifestyle.