Know All About Ginekolog, Trudnoca and the Sexually Transmitted Diease Kondilomi
Get the more informatio about the ultrazvuk trudnoca and its benifits.
Ginekolog is another word for gynecology. It is branch dealing with the disease of the female reproductive organs. Female reproductive organs comprise of vagina,

uterus and ovaries. Ginekolog is a specialized branch and the specialist is known as the gynecologist. A female patient first visits general practitioner with her complaints and if the special investigation or treatment of a specialist is required she is referred to ginekolog specialist. The investigations in ginekolog are instrumental that is mostly speculum, bimanual palpation, retro-vaginal that is the state of cervix or the lower part of uterus, upper portion of vagina, pelvic bones, ovaries are examined by inserting fingers inside vagina and putting pressure from above. Laparotomy, laparoscopy, ultrasound, curettage and many other latest investigations lead to certain conclusions and hence treated by specialist in ginekolog. Infertility or failure to become pregnant is a branch of ginekolog. A specialist in ginekolog investigates causes of infertility. Other than female reproductive organs, there are other complaints too like urine incontinence breast related diseases as well. Treatment is both conservative and invasive like curettage, hysterectomy laparoscopy and related to diseases.Trudnoca is cessation of cycle and development in uterus turning into pregnancy. Pregnancy has three trimesters. Trudnoca initiates with the cessation of monthly periods and the delivery date is determined by the first date of the last period and counting nine months and ten days the expected delivery date is given. The pregnancy test is undertaken on the urine sample. The strips are available in the market and pregnancy test is positive when Human chorionic gonadotropin is excreted in the urine. The health of the woman is very important as the baby extracts all the nutrition from the mother. The chorionis villus sampling is an investigation leading to early diagnosis of Down’s syndrome. The pregnancy related diseases like blood pressure, is very dangerous at it leads to edema and there is danger to mother and fetus. Ultrazvuk trudnoca is informative, and determines the gestational age, size and development of the fetus. The patient comes with the full bladder and the gel is applied on the abdomen to ease the slide of the transducer. The transducer has the sensitive microphone that detects the echo from the uterus and the image of the fetus occurs on the screen. The regular ultazvuk trudnoca is non invasive, cost effective and an effective medium to follow the development of the fetus. Kondilomi occurs through human papiloma virus. It is a sexually transmitted disease. It occurs through sexual intercourse by several partners, condom use prohibition. The genitals of both genders are affected. Warts appear on the external genetalia. Warts appear on the moist parts. The warts are isolated initially and if left untreated these warts unite to form a cauliflower like appearance. The treatment includes evaluation and treatment of the partners. Keeping the area dry is difficult, as warts appear moist. Electro surgical intervention is the last resort, which is not advisable.