Want to know more about laser hair removal? The article below will outline the treatment and provide you with information.
Laser hair removal is a treatment encompassing a series of treatments for permanent or long term hair removal. Individuals looking for long lasting results opt for these treatments as a way to avoid shaving,

epilation and waxing. During each treatment, a laser is used on areas of the body, which have unwanted hair. The follicle is heated at the base, thus destroying the hair itself and preventing it from growing back. The treatments can keep an area nice and smooth for extended periods of time, and in some cases, permanent results can be achieved.
Candidates for this laser hair removal will meet with a specialist in order to discuss how well the treatments will work on their individual skin and hair type. This consultation will offer information regarding the benefits and risks of the procedure, including skin lightening or darkening depending on your current skin tone. It’s generally recommended that patients allow for a tan to fade prior to treatment.
Before the appointment begins the individual administering the treatment will make sure that there aren’t any cosmetics, lotions or creams on the area that is about to be treated. These types of chemicals can work to hinder the effectiveness of the treatment, in some cases even causing adverse reactions.
A gel will be applied to the area that is about to be treated. This gel will serve as a conductor for the laser, while also keeping the skin cool throughout the procedure. The specialist will use a hand-held device on the specified area in order to remove the hair. Patients may experience some discomfort, but it is generally minimal and fades very quickly.
How Does It Work?
The laser beam goes directly into the shaft of the hair, ultimately destroying it at the root. This effectively stops or reduces growth in the specified area. The lasers are set to target pigmentation, and as such, the treatment is generally much more effective on individuals with darker hair. Adversely, patients with darker skin should generally avoid the treatment, as the device being used will be unable to distinguish the hair from skin. However, as technology continues to evolve, treatments are becoming more effective and safer for individuals with a variety of hair colors and skin tones.
Post Treatment
The specialists will generally advise that the patient return for multiple sessions in order to ensure the best possible results. Due to the fact that hair growth is cyclical (does not always grow at the same rate, or at the same time) multiple sessions will be needed over the course of a few months to a year. In most cases, patients will be able to get away with 3-8 sessions, however, it all depends on the extent of the treatment, the area being treated and the type of skin/hair of the individual receiving the treatment.
If you are interested in learning more about this treatment option, the best idea is to schedule an appointment with a specialist who has experience in the field. He or she will be able to discuss your specific situation and provide you with an idea of what to expect.