Breast augmentation, need more info? Find out how to prevent and treat capsular contracture. Learn about capsular contracture and how it can affect you.
Breast augmentation surgery comes with risks. For example,

capsular contracture occurs in some women. It occurs when scar tissue develops around the breast implant. It is the most common side effect of breast augmentation surgery. When capsular contracture occurs, the breasts become stiff and the implants leak. You can develop this condition any time, but most women begin having symptoms three months after they get their breasts done. After capsular contracture is treated, it can come back at any time. A variety of factors increases your chances of getting capsular contracture such as having an autoimmune disorder, smoking, radiation therapy, trauma to the breast, hematoma, seroma, bacterial infections, and breast implant placement. There are a few levels of capsular contracture. Grade I means that the breasts are soft and they still look natural. Grade II mians that the breasts are slightly firm, but they look normal. Grade III means that the breasts are firm and they look abnormal. Grade IV means that the breasts are hard, painful, and they look abnormal.
You can decrease your chances in several different ways. You can have your breast implants placed under the muscle. This decreases your chance of getting capsular contracture significantly. If you get 'partial unders', you will decrease your chances of getting it but you will have more protection if your implants are under the muscle completely.
You will decrease your risk of developing capsular contracture if you massage your breasts the following day of your surgery.
You can perform compression exercises by squeezing the breast implants with a little bit of pressure. This keeps the capsule flexible. Wearing a tight sports bra or a compression bra may help, so speak with your surgeon.
Some surgeons squeeze the implant and breast to break up the capsule. However, this procedure can cause bleeding and implant deflation, and it is painful for some people.
Capsular contracture can also be prevented and treated with vitamin E according to some people. Taking vitamin E doesn't hurt and it is good for the skin. However, it can cause bleeding, so don't take it two weeks before and after surgery. Vitamin E is thought to soften the collagen fibers. The capsule is made from collagen fibers.
Smoking lowers oxygen levels in the blood. This can cause an inflammatory reaction and it may delay healing.
Excessive bleeding after breast augmentation surgery can also cause capsular contracture, so don't take any medications, vitamins, or supplements two weeks before and after your surgery without speaking to your cosmetic surgeon. Keep in mind that vigorous exercise after surgery can also cause excessive bleeding.
Anti-asthma medicine may also decrease your chances of getting capsular contracture. Anti-asthma medication is believed to break down and absorb the chemical factors that causes tissue to harden around the implants. Anti-asthma medication may cause side effects, so you need to discuss that with your plastic surgeon.
Capsular contracture can also develop because of an infection. You can avoid an infection by taking antibiotics after the procidure. Additionally, if you have any problems after surgery, speak to your plastic surgeon.
Your incision choice has to be be made before you have surgery and it affects your risk of getting it. A breast fold incision may decrease your chances of it developing.
Textured breast implants helps to prevent it because they have a rough surface which discourages a hard capsule from forming.
Other new technologies are being created to treat this condition like using sound waves to soften the breasts. Furthermore, if you are thinking about having breast augmentation surgery, you should ask your cosmetic surgeon for advice on how to decrease your chances of developing capsular contracture.