Liposuction: A General Overview
Liposuction is a surgical treatment that effectively removes unwanted fat from various regions of the body that are unresponsive to proper exercise and diet. The procedure contours areas of the body, providing patients with a more appealing physical appearance.
In this article,

we will provide a general overview of liposuction in hopes of providing further insight into this exciting treatment option.
Treatments may be performed in combination with additional procedures or alone. Common liposuction treatment areas include that of the abdomen, flanks, chin and neck area, middle and outer thighs, the buttocks, and in men, the chest area, also referred to as a male breast reduction.
The procedures works by improving body contour through the removal of fatty deposits. Patients who have strong skin elasticity are expected to obtain the most pleasing results, however different results are obtained from various types of body types. It is best to discuss your options with the performing physician to better gain an understanding of your available options.
Ideal candidates for liposuction are of average weight, have good skin, and have pockets of excess fat. Physical and psychological health is important in addition to a set of realistic expectations. Older patients should not expect the same results of individuals with younger, tighter skin. The procedure is also not a substitute for weight loss.
Individuals with diabetes, heart issues, poor blood circulation, and lung disease are at greater risk for complications. For this reason, surgeons will typically provide patients with a full-scale medical evaluation prior to treatment. This will include a full examination along with a medical background and a general questionnaire.
The procedure is often performed as an outpatient surgery under general anesthetic, though smaller areas can be suctioned while under local anesthesia. Small incisions are made in folds of the skin where they may not appear quite as noticeable. Once the incisions are cut, a narrow metal tube is connected to a plastic hose and inserted into the body which sucks up the excess fat.
Recovery time will vary depending on the extent for the fat that has been removed. Patients are typically granted the option of an overnight stay, or returning home under close supervision. Pain prescriptions are generally given and should be taken as needed.
In order to learn more about this procedure and how you might be affected, the first step is scheduling an appointment with a board certified plastic surgeon who specializes in liposuction treatments. When attending this initial consultation, be sure to bring a list of questions and discussion topics to address. Remember, knowledge is power. Find out as much as you can, and chances are, you won’t walk away disappointed.