Liposuction: Is It For You?
Liposuction is a popular procedure to rid a body of excess fat. It has many uses, most typically for the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, hips and arms. It is also resourceful in combination with other cosmetic procedures as liposuction can enhance the results of a facelift or abdominoplasty.
Liposuction has become the most commonly performed cosmetic procedure on the U.S. market today. Many men and women have opted to have their stubborn bulges of fat suctioned away via the liposuction method.
Why has this procedure become so popular? For one thing,

our society has a large segment of the population, commonly referred to as the Baby Boomers, who have all entered middle age.
As a person ages, their body begins to accumulate pockets of adipose tissue which don’t respond well to diet or exercise. The most common areas for these unsightly bulges to appear are on the abdomen, thighs, hips and backside. When a person gains weight, the size of his or her fat cells increase. When a surgeon performs liposuction, he or she is removing fat cells. The fewer fat cells, the sleeker the physique.
If a person gains weight after the procedure, the remaining cells may respond differently and the person’s figure flaws may end up in different areas. For example, if the hips and thighs were liposuctioned, the abdomen may become the area to plump up upon weight gain.
The trick is to maintain one’s slender appearance with proper diet and exercise. An appropriate maintenance program which includes good nutrition and a fitness plan must be adhered to post-op.
Lipo is not a replacement for weight loss. In fact, very few pounds are actually lost due to this procedure, but rather inches are subtracted. The ideal candidate should maintain his or her ideal weight for six months prior to surgery. A nutritious diet and exercise regime should be firmly in place, as well.
During the operation, the plastic surgeon will insert a slender medical tool called a cannula into the problem areas via small incisions. The cannula will suction the adipose deposits out of the body through a vacuum hose. A sterile solution contained anesthetic and epinephrine will be injected in order to minimize pain and bleeding, which will cut down on recovery time.
Liposuction is performed by a plastic surgeon in a hospital or clinical setting and will take from one-half hour to four hours to complete, depending on the amount of adipose tissue that is to be removed.
Anesthesia or sedation will be utilized in order to keep the patient comfortable during the operation. A compression garment may need to be worn post op in order to support the healing and realignment of the body. The patient should expect swelling, bruising and some pain initially following the treatment.
It may take up to four months for the body to completely heal and adapt to its new body fat composition. After the result has settled in, however, the results should be permanent. If a patient is wondering if this is a viable option for them, they should schedule a consultation with a reputable plastic surgeon to discuss their options.