Liposuction Or Tummy Tuck—Which Is Suggested For You
A common question among those seeking plastic surgery for a more sculpted look of the abdomen is whether a tummy tuck or liposuction is the right procedure. The two cosmetic surgeries are very different, and although it would seem the goals of the operations are the same, the surgery to choose totally depends on each individual’s specific issues. Read on to learn more.
A common question among those seeking plastic surgery for a more sculpted look of the abdomen is whether a tummy tuck or liposuction is the right procedure. The two cosmetic surgeries are very different,

and although it would seem the goals of the operations are the same, which surgery to choose totally depends on each individual’s specific issues.
A tummy tuck is a procedure that deals mostly with excess skin and muscle laxity left behind as the result of pregnancy or major weight loss. This is a rather involved operation that usually consists of a hip-to-hip scar, which from some patients can be two feet long. A tummy tuck is a full-blown surgery that requires anesthetic and extensive recovery. Some amount of liposuction can be used together with the tummy tuck to make sure that the patient is getting expected results.
The best candidate for this procedure is a healthy and fit person who in spite of avid diet and exercise cannot get rid of certain pockets of fat. There are just some places on the body, particularly around the abdomen area that are stubborn; even the most fit person has an area that he or she feels could be more sculpted, and the operation can even be used to some extent to shape the body perhaps giving a more emphasized waist or less emphasis on the hips.
The new craze often referred to as “lunch time lipo” is an up and coming way to attack stubborn fat without committing to the surgical downsides and recovery encountered when having a tummy tuck or liposuction. This procedure is deemed so because it is so non-invasive that it is administered without anesthetic that in theory would allow a patient to have the procedure on a lunch break, returning to work on the same afternoon.
It is done as a series of shots or medicated injections that claim to dissolve fatty tissues.
The most simple explanation for determining which procedure will address your specific issues is to remember that skin laxity, muscle laxity and extra skin are usually conquered by the tummy tuck, while stubborn deposits of exercise and diet resistant fat are to be tackled with liposuction. If you are looking for the least invasive procedure, the lunchtime liposuction trend may be the thing to try.
It is best to consult a doctor for guidance in determining which procedure is really the best for addressing your body issues. A lot of plastic surgeons that initially book an appointment for lipo consultations end up persuading the patient to consider a tummy tuck. All perspective patients should consider a plastic surgeon's advice and guidance when consulting about this or any other cosmetic or plastic surgeon.