Liposuction Safety For Potential Patients
There are many safety concerns for any type of surgery, and liposuction is no exception. If you follow your doctor's orders thoroughly, however, you should not experience any serious complications during or after your procedure.
Liposuction is a very common cosmetic surgery procedure that is available for both men and women. The operation is considered minimal and usually demands local anesthetic in the areas where the surgery is to be done. It starts with the plastic surgeon assessing the suitability of the individual. Tests and screenings will provide some of the answers to the candidacy of the person. Once everything is set,
the patient and the doctor will need to agree which parts of the patient's body need the liposuction. Not all areas of the body are suitable for the procedure. Once an agreement has been set, the operation will take place. The point is to vacuum out the liquefied fat through incisions made by the doctor. The vacuuming process is done with the use of a rod, which is inserted into the incisions and moved in a swift back and forth motion. Recovery is quick in most cases; bruising and swelling are the most prominent problems that occur for most patients. Soreness and some discomfort may last up to a few days, while the swelling may endure for up to a few weeks.
Before one can achieve the goal of the operation, one must bear in mind that safety is a major concern for most patients and doctors. It is imperative that the plastic surgeon is a qualified and recognized doctor who is duly licensed to perform this specific operation. A licensed doctor will know the limits of the operation and seek the safety of the individual above all else. There is a limit to the amount of fat and fluids that can be vacuumed from the person at any given time. Excessive removal of fat via liposuction can endanger the individual and cause the body to go into shock. This can prove to be fatal on the part of the patient. This is not limited to just one area of the body either. The human body cannot stand to lose tremendous amounts of fat in one day, whether as a result of a combination of several procedures or just one.
The plastic surgeon also needs to know what supplements or maintenance medications the individual is taking or has taken prior to the consultation. Some of these may have an undesirable effect on the actual liposuction procedure or the recovery period. Some may thin the blood too much and prevent the clotting necessary for the incisions to heal properly, while others may have an effect on the anesthetic that is used during the surgery. The plastic surgeon will need to review what medications or supplements the patient has taken a few weeks prior to performing the surgery. Smoking is also something that can have an adverse effect on the operation. If the patient smokes, then he or she may be asked to stop a few weeks prior to the operation. The same thing goes for excessive drinking of alcohol.
The safety of the patient is always the priority of a qualified and licensed plastic surgeon performing the liposuction procedure. It is best to be open and honest about one's medical history to prevent complications.