Liposuction methods had to evolve over the past 30 years in order to not only squelch fears but offer a smoother and higher standard of results. It continues to be the most sought out and performed plastic surgery procedure because it offers thousands of women and hundreds of men the opportunity to feel reassured about their bodies from operation day forward. Please read on.
Liposuction methods had to evolve over the past 30 years in order to not only squelch fears but offer a smoother and higher standard of results. It continues to be the most sought out and performed plastic surgery procedure because it offers thousands of women and hundreds of men the opportunity to feel reassured about their bodies from operation day forward. This is why the liposuction procedure has evolved since 1974 in order to allow both women and men of varying body types to enjoy their individualized results,
of equal quality.
Yes, as human beings we need a little bit of fat in our diets and in our bodies, in order to survive. But, when does a little extra here and there become excess fatty tissue impeding comfort, esteem, and confidence both personally and professionally. Liposuction or Lipoplasty continues to be the most sought out and performed plastic surgery procedure because it offers thousands of women and hundreds of men the opportunity to feel reassured about their bodies from operation day forward.
Even throughout history certain memorable figures have been admired for their physique’s appeal and strength. So regardless of the body type, a smooth silhouette has always been important, and on many women and men’s minds. Since the very first liposuction procedure in 1974 – through its rapid popularity in the 1980’s – people who have noticed their body’s susceptibility to hoarding fatty deposits in strategic areas have turned to this cosmetic surgical procedure for help with achieving their physical goals.
Liposuction methods had to evolve over the past 30 years in order to not only squelch fears but offer a smoother and higher standard of results. Of the ten varying methods, the most popular and most frequently used is the tumescent technique.
Since the earliest use of the liposuction procedure the most significant complaint was that of the amount of blood loss as well as the possibility of striking unevenness of the skin over the treated area. However, over the past thirty-six years since liposuction’s development, the tumescent has remedied a lot of patient’s concerns.
First, the tumescent makes use of a diluted lidocaine and epinephrine (local anesthesia) solution injected into the layer of fat in order to prevent a significant amount of blood or fluid loss. This also allows the patients to have the option of being under general anesthesia.
Second, instead of using cannulas up to 10mm in diameter such as those used during its earliest inception, several smaller incisions are now made to accommodate the 2 mm microcannulas for smoother results. In addition, the greatest benefit with the use of the microcannula is that they allow expert surgeons to vacuum larger volumes of fat from a larger surface area.
Meanwhile, in the past 20 years men and women across America have experienced an onslaught of television, VHS and DVD programs and systems designed to burn, lift, and tone an uncooperative body into the one of your dreams. Only within the last 15 years, with the introduction of the 8 minute abs videos, has there been an increase in promises to get you to your goal weight and ideal size in record time. There is only one rarely mentioned fact that gets overlooked in these ads.
As stated earlier, along with the increase in exercise and diet plan promises there have been a steady number of men and women seeking and utilizing the lasting effects of the many techniques of the liposuction procedure.
Both surgeons and scientists will continue to organize research and trials in order to discover more effective methods for helping patients achieve smoother results and quicker recovery time. The liposuction procedure has evolved in order to allow both women and men of varying body types to enjoy the individual results they desire, with equal quality.