Liposuction: Tips and Suggestions
Liposuction is commonly used to eliminate fat in a person's stomach, thighs, and other areas. Discuss the various types of liposuction with your doctor.
Doctors use various liposuction techniques to sculpt their clients. Some women choose to have the procedure to reduce the amount of fat on their thighs. The procedure can make your thighs look thinner. Whether or not the procedure is safe for you depends on your health before receiving the treatment as well as the doctor's experience and the anesthesia. Some techniques utilize sound to change the state of the fat,

turning it into liquid form before it is removed. The procedure is sometimes completed in combination with other techniques to lose weight. The procedure is sometimes used to reduce the appearance of fat around a person's stomach, and it could be used after a person has had other procedures to lose fat overall. Some of the risks associated with liposuction include blood loss, bruising beyond ordinary bruising, and bulging or other problems with your shape. You can also have skin problems or have organs damaged during the process. Of course, it is a good idea to assess your doctor's experience level and determine whether or not the doctor is skilled enough to perform your surgery. Doctors who have had a large number of successful surgeries in your specific procedure are recommended.
You may wish to visit several different doctors and see photos of outcomes from his or her patients. You should also consult with several different doctors and have them examine you, particularly if you are not happy with the results from previous consultations. It is important that you discuss the types of procedures available. For example, wet, dry, tumescent, and super wet are some of the types of liposuction procedures from which you may choose.
Your doctor will discuss the treatment areas with you. He or she may mark off areas of your body so that you can see exactly where the treatment will be conducted. During the actual procedure, you can expect to change into a hospital gown, and the doctor will again mark the areas where the procedure will occur. You will be given some type of anesthesia for the surgery.
After the procedure your doctor will ask you to continue to wear a support garment in the area where the procedure was conducted. You will likely be given a prescription medication to manage discomfort associated with the procedure. Your doctor will also ask that you return for a follow-up visit. If needed, the doctor will remove any drains or stitches.
Liposuction is used for small areas of the body. It is not usually used to remove large amounts of fat from people who are obese. Although it appears to be a relatively easy way to eliminate fat, the procedure is better fit for patients who have problems reducing stubborn pockets of fat, rather than for people who would like to use the procedure as their sole weight loss strategy. To keep the fat off, a doctor will remain that the patient eats a healthy diet and exercises. Overeating and lack of exercise can reduce the appearance of your leaner silhouette.