Living With A Shrimp Allergy
The signs and symptoms of a shrimp allergy and how to treat them in an emergency.
A Shrimp allergy is not necessarily something you are born with. In fact,

many people don’t develop an allergy to shrimp (or shellfish) until they are well past maturity. Some people have a shrimp allergy while others may have an allergy to the all crustaceans. There are also those that do not discover their allergy until accidental consumption. Most people with a known allergy to shrimp are well aware of what the symptoms are. However some may not know what causes them. The symptoms are due to the production of histamines when something consumed is mistaken for an invader. This item is then battled by the immune system because it sees it as a threat. Shrimp symptoms will vary for every person. Living with an allergy to shrimp is a difficult task, but millions of people do it daily. Below are some things to be aware of if you or a loved one suffers from this allergy.Top 5 Shrimp Allergy Symptoms:1. Reddening or flushing of the skin. This is just as it sounds, after the consumption of shrimp (or seafood) your skin will begin to redden. 2. Hives. These are raised bumps or rashes on the skin. These are typically red but sometimes appear to be white.3. Difficulty to Breathe. Sometimes, after consuming shrimp, people find it hard to breathe. 4. Faintness and lightheadedness are often symptoms.5. Smothering. Feelings of being hot and smothered also accompany these symptoms. In extreme cases, the trachea closes (windpipe) and it is extremely difficult to breathe. If this occurs, seek medical attention immediately.If you, personally, suffer from an allergy to shrimp allergy, the below information can help to keep your life safe and always remember to keep a remedy close by.5 Tips That Can Save Your Life- Keep your medications in a simple location. By placing the medicines prescribed to you in an easy to locate and easy to remember location you can shave off precious minutes you may need if you begin to show serious symptoms.- Benadryl can be taken if mild symptoms occur. This is an over the counter antihistamine that is available in most supermarkets.- Alert family and friends of your allergy. It may also prove beneficial for you to alert them of where you keep your medications. Medical contact information and symptoms you may experience are also important pieces of information that can save your life.- If you begin to experience sever symptoms (such as difficulty breathing) and your medication fails, you or someone surrounding you needs to dial 911 and request immediate medical assistance.- Create a personal safety plan. You can evaluate many different scenarios and figure out what you would need to do in each. Knowledge is power! Shrimp allergies in children require more attention than that of adults. A child is much smaller in size making the consumption of the smallest amount of shrimp a danger. If your child, or one you are in frequent contact with, suffers from a shrimp allergy, be sure to keep a close eye on them during consumption periods. These tips can help to save you (or a loved one) if accidental consumption occurs and symptoms develop.