Main Contributing Factors in having Hemorrhoids

Aug 9


Jeff Donaven

Jeff Donaven

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Usually individuals who are afflicted by piles feel discomfort throughout their intestinal motion, additionally they grumble about continuous itching, blood loss and burning up within their perineal region. Are you currently additionally experiencing signs? It may impact anyone from any gender, backgrounds or age. Hence here is the main contributing factors in having hemorrhoids.


Generally people who suffer from hemorrhoids feel pain during their bowel movement,Main Contributing Factors in having Hemorrhoids Articles they also complain about constant itchiness, bleeding and burning in their anal area. Are you also experiencing these symptoms? It can affect anyone from all ages and races.

Are you wondering why you have this condition? There are many reasons why most suffer from this condition. Usually people over 50 suffer experience this but there are cases that younger people have this due to contributing factors and these are as follows:

•Genetics – if your parents had it, it will probably be passed down on you through heredity. Chances are you’ll definitely acquire this condition if you keep on straining when you defecate.

•Age - some individuals begin to develop this condition during their twenties but mostly their symptoms appear at their thirties and above. Usually, adults over 50 suffer from this condition because as you age, the tissues around the anal area weaken and get stretched in the long run.

•Obesity – overweight people put more downward pressure on their veins. Their heavy weight compresses the blood flow of the veins combined with a diet of low fiber foods and less activity in their lifestyle, they become more prone as they stick on more unhealthy practices.

•Chronic constipation or diarrhea – too much straining causes pressure and protrusion of the veins in the anus.

•Pregnancy – some women only develop hemorrhoids because of the growing fetus around the 6th month onwards that puts pressure on the rectum. During the labor and delivery, intense effort to push the baby out also aggravates the condition but it usually subsides after the baby’s delivery not unless it was already there even before the pregnancy.

•Too much sitting and standing – sitting too long without exercise affects the heart muscle to function poorly in circulating blood all over the body and of the veins to the heart.  While prolonged standing causes imbalance of the pull of gravity of the veins in the body and both practices put additional weight on the veins of the anal and rectal area.

•Constant heavy lifting – for people who keeps on lifting heavy objects or doing the weight lifting must abide to the proper way of lifting objects to avoid too much tension on the veins of the anal area.

•Anal intercourse – such sexual practice puts pressure on the veins of the rectum.

Knowing these factors can now give you points on how to avoid having hemorrhoids or at least keep discomfort at a minimal level.