Making Decisions When It Comes to Breast Reconstruction
Considering whether or not breast reconstruction is the right option for you may take some time. Read on to learn more.
Considering whether or not breast reconstruction is the right option for you may take some time. It isn't just a matter of whether or not this is something that will benefit you. Your doctor will be an important resource as you make these decisions. Getting a professional opinion can help easy your worries and give you perspective on the situation. There are more details that need to be looked into including the when to schedule the procedure as well as the method that is going to be used.
When to Schedule
You have two options when it comes to scheduling your breast reconstruction. After a mastectomy is completed you can immediately transition into the corrective surgery. The other option is to wait and finish up any and all treatments before choosing to undergo another operation. While you may have a preference one way or the other,

a doctor can let you know what the health effects are of each decision and whether or not you are a candidate to have everything taken care of all at one time.
Only having one operation is convenient. All in one visit you will be able to have tissue removed and tissue changed and added. While you body still goes through a transition, you will never be without. At the time of surgery there is also the chance that you may not have as many scars as you would have with multiple procedures.
The option of waiting appeals to women for several different reasons. Finding out about the cancer, going through treatments and the idea of a mastectomy can be overwhelming. Breast reconstruction may be the furthest thing from your mind. You may want to just get through what you are dealing with now, take time to make sure that you are cancer free and then move on to thinking about another operation.
Despite the benefits and consequences of each decision, it is important to note that you are the person that this will effect. You don't want to be swayed either way and make a choice that you are going to be unhappy with later. If you have some time, think about what is best for you, your body, and your health and go from there.
There are several different methods of breast reconstruction. After you decide when you want to proceed you can talk with your physician about which of the options you are interested in. You can other areas of your body to supplement the breast tissue or look to implants for assistance. Much like the scheduling decision it is important to think about what is best for you and which option will help you to walk away with the most confidence.
When it comes to using your body's own resources for the procedure there are different locations to harvest the skin, fat and even arteries that you need. Depending on your medical health, history, and body type, a physician will talk to you about the best places of the body to use and how the different parts will be used to recreate breasts. Ask you doctor about each method of breast reconstruction to make the best decision.