What is male liposuction and why has it become so popular among the men these days?
Gynecomastia is the medical term of enlargement of male breast. It is an usual brief phase in about 70% of boys undergoing puberty, but occurs in only one percent of adult men.
Men of any age category, who are healthy and mentally stable, are good candidates for male breast reduction surgery. Further, best candidates for male breast reduction are those who have the solid, elastic skin that can remold to the body's new outlines.
Usually, doctors reduce enlarged male breasts through liposuction or by cutting the excessive glandular tissue from the body. Normally, the process of male breast reduction surgery takes an average of two hours on an outpatient basis with the use of local anesthesia.
Medical conditions such as obesity, use of steroids and drug abuse cause gynecomastia.
Surgeons treat the patients undergoing these surgeries with a non-steroidal antiandrogen in gynecomastia USA.
Male Liposuction and Gynecomastia USA:
Men liposuction is increasingly becoming popular among males. In recent times, many men have undergone body-shaping procedures such as liposuction and male breast reduction surgery. An increasing number of males are turning to plastic surgery to reform their physical appearance.
Men liposuction is somewhat costlier than female liposuction procedure. The reason for price difference is that male physique is more fibrous, especially the chest, abdomen and love handles.
Surgeons, sometimes, perform male breast reduction surgery in combination with lipoplasty, wherein a suction device goes inside the body via existing incisions. However, for the removal of too much fat only, men liposuction is the solution. Wounds are nominal and indistinct.
Normally, results are permanent. However, obesity after surgery can create a gynecomastia effect.
Certain advantages of this surgery include a smoother, firmer and more outlined chest, which may offer the patient a sudden boost in self-confidence. It also removes puffy nipples in males.
The downtime is very short and patients may get back to their routine work within one week only, until and unless they engage in tiring activities.
Further, for a quick heal, patients might be provided with elastic pressure garments to wear for around three to six weeks, to firmly avoid direct sunlight for the next six months.
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