Receiving a diagnosis of mesothelioma is like receiving a death sentence, it is a very difficult and harrowing experience not only for the victim but also for the family of the victim. Although new drugs and forms of treatments are been discovered daily, mesothelioma still has an extremely low survival rate. Facing and living with a diagnosis of mesothelioma is a very hard thing to do, watching a loved one fall sick and gradually pass away is a real test of character and is usually more than what one person can handle alone.
Although new drugs and forms of treatments are been discovered daily,

mesothelioma still has an extremely low survival rate. Facing and living with a diagnosis of mesothelioma is a very hard thing to do, watching a loved one fall sick and gradually pass away is a real test of character and is usually more than what one person can handle alone.
Today there are networks of support for mesothelioma patients no matter where they live. These support groups and organizations help the victims and their families to cope with the disease, its treatments and its inevitable outcome. Even if you feel that you are strong enough to face the disease yourself, these groups can still be of enormous help to you. Do not face this cancer all by yourself, seeking for support is not a sign of weakness and you should never see it that way. We all need to lean on someone at one time or the other.
Different Types of Support Groups
In-Person Support Groups These groups provide people living with mesothelioma a lot of emotional support. They are face-face groups where mesothelioma victims, care givers , and the families of the victims come together to share their experiences with each other.
These groups can be found in hospitals or may be sponsored by oncologists{doctors specializing in treatment of cancers}.Some of these groups are also sponsored by different chapters of the American Cancer Society, while some others are sponsored by advocacy groups for mesothelioma victims.
If you want to find one of these groups, you should ask your health care team if they know of any of such groups. If there are no such groups where you are, you might even consider starting one with help of your oncologist or other professionals.
Online Support Groups
For victims of the disease living in areas where there are no In persons support groups, there are online support groups that you can join. Online support groups come in form of chat rooms, blogs, and cancer related forums. Regular postings are made by people suffering from the same disease. Mesothelioma patients and their families can join these online groups and exchange ideas about the disease in general, its treatment and upcoming treatment modalities, related emotional issues and more. Most of these forums, chat rooms are free to join and they always available 24hours/day and 7 days a week for you to keep in touch any time, everyday.
Some online support groups are offered by cancer organizations while others might be hosted by mesothelioma patient advocacy groups or similar associations. Some others give online seminars or other educational opportunities dealing with mesothelioma in addition to emotional or practical support for caregivers and patients.
Some of the most popular online support groups for mesothelioma patients and their family and friends include:
• Association of Cancer Online Resources - Online resource for support and information.
• Cancer Care - Offers online and telephone counseling, education, and lists of resources for financial assistance.
• Gilda's Club - National organization that offers counseling and resources for cancer patients and their families.
• I Can Cope - Sponsored by The American Cancer Society, this site offers myriad online support programs and services.
• The Wellness Community - This site is home to online support groups as well as lists of resources to help you find a face-to-face support group near you.