Beauty, many people believe, is purchased. Consumers go for most new lotions and potions offered in beautiful, slick magazines; they query one another at every outing to determine if they are up-to-date on the latest and greatest hype that separates them from their money. Walk by most any table with a group of gals and you will hear discussions of the steps they are taking to stave off the march of Mother Nature's footprints across their faces.
You have seen the look…shiny, taut foreheads, exaggerated lips, flat, moon-faced wrinkle-less or pulled, wind tunnel expressions that make you shake your head in wonder as you mutter to yourself, "What was she thinking?"
What she was thinking was that she only wanted a prettier face so that she didn't look old or feel ignored or invisible to a significant other.
Sometimes looking in the mirror at a face we barely recognize conjures up images of Great Aunt Hilda or Grandpa Joe or maybe we invoke disparaging names at our reflection as we commiserate our lost youth.
Beauty, many people believe, is purchased. Consumers go for most new lotions and potions offered in beautiful, slick magazines; they query one another at every outing to determine if they are up-to-date on the latest and greatest hype that separates them from their money. Walk by most any table with a group of gals and you will hear discussions of the steps they are taking to stave off the march of Mother Nature's footprints across their faces.
What is really alarming is the suggestion that beauty can be found at the end of a scalpel or the tip of a syringe bearing toxic paralyzing or plumping chemicals.
Sales of injections used as enhancements have skyrocketed in years past and new ones are being developed in laboratories worldwide right now. Even though discriminating individuals know these injections are laden with ingredients only a chemist could pronounce, they provide only temporary results that require refreshment on a regular basis. The cash outlay will add up quickly.
The side effects of toxic paralyzing injections used for frown lines in the forehead include nervous system disorders and drooping eyelids and eyebrows. What entices a user to use something that can make them appear older? It is a dicey decision.
In certain communities of the US the act of wearing a natural face without enhancements is almost an impossible feat. Why? The ads on tv, internet and magazines tout celebrities and because we long to emulate them, some of us do what they do. In a city such as Los Angeles where beauty rules, so do injections. Possessing a narrow vision towards true beauty, most practitioners steer their clients toward invasive procedures rather than natural methods because these modalities add dollars to their bottom line.
Keep in mind that 'facial improvements' are not always youth enhancing, some can be downright disappointing and these so-called improvements do not always look good on a 50 year old face.
Misshapen faces, overblown lips, eye lids that do not close and swept back cheeks are a result of Mother Nature's rebellious attitude towards unnatural methods that are risky and require recuperative time.
Quite possibly the more you fool with your face using products that do not support nature the greater the long-term damage. Consider a woman who visits an aesthetician, plastic surgeon or dermatologist; perhaps she only wants her face to look more radiant and she knows she is not ready for a face lift, just a little pick-me-up.
Most likely she will be enticed to participate in a series of facials first and then other anti-aging avenues such as micro-dermabrasion will be introduced.
Remember, the goal is for the client/patient to feel less than confident about their appearance, their age and aging so that injections, surgery, laser treatments and more can be offered.
If the client/patient opts for these expensive, temporary treatments, then the quest for the fountain of youth has begun at warp speed.
This heady trip of nips, tucks and high powered injections smacks Mother Nature full on and the delicate balance of our bodies begins to experience a life that relies on drugs.
Drugs have side effects and your body will likely rebel. The usual warnings such as redness at the injection site, slight tenderness or slight headache may only be the tip of the iceberg. What about infection, disfigurement and disappointment?
There is a way to look Mother Nature squarely in the eyes so that she supports your decision to look the best you can. There is a natural avenue that will maintain your face and it is called facial exercise.
Not contortions, twists, puckers or scrunches but simple isometric with resistance movements using only your thumbs and fingers in white cotton gloves that work to lift, tone and tighten sagging facial muscles that support your skin.
Facial exercise is easy-breezy Mother Nature approved. The results are long lasting, you won't spend a fortune and you will look like yourself only better.
What Face Are You Wearing for Halloween?
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