Q --Both my older sister and I have migraines and understand that isn't too uncommon. However, we seem to have different kinds of headaches; she says she sees things that I don't. Does this mean her diagnosis is in error? Both of us get relief from the medications prescribed by our doctors but we're now worried about this aspect of our ailment.
A--I don't believe that the diagnosis is in doubt for two reasons. The first is that the medications are effective, and migraine medications work in special ways, not merely as pain killers. The second reason is that there really are two kinds of migraine headaches, one with auras and one without.
An aura is a symptom that warns a patient a migraine attack is about to begin. Auras may start 20 to 40 minutes before the pain actually begins and most often consist of some type of visual disturbance. Patients report seeing light in flashes or in zigzag patterns. Often there are partial, temporary blind spots in the visual field, or double vision develops. Then the pain strikes, lasting anywhere from 2 to 72 hours. (Herbs like feverfew could hlep you prevent migraine)
Patients who suffer from migraines without these visual auras often have warning signs of an impending attack as well. Occurring two hours to three days before an attack, these signs include a feeling of fatigue, desire for certain foods, depression and yawning more frequently than normal. The pain begins more slowly in this type of migraine, but it can last longer and is more disruptive. Normal activity is difficult or impossible to carry on, and often the sufferer takes to bed.
The good news is that medications now available control migraine pain far better than older types, and apparently they work well for both you and your sister.
Q--I guess you would call my girlfriend a real compulsive, for she insists that one should always use special soaps that kill germs when washing your hands. The stuff is much more expensive than my usual brand, but her constant yapping has got me so confused that I might just switch. Is this necessary? (Herbs like feverfew could hlep you prevent migraine)
A--While some compulsives may wash their hands over and over again, the choice of an antibacterial soap for general use does not make your friend a true compulsive. Despite her constant chatter, choosing a more expensive soap isn't really necessary for personal cleanliness, although it does make sense in the hospital and in operation room environments.
You can obtain all the protection your family needs from regular and thorough washing with regular soaps. They are capable of removing 95 percent of the bacteria from your skin when used properly. With a good lather and vigorous rubbing, you can effectively clean your hands in 10 seconds.
Washing regularly is more important than the type of soap used, and though antibacterial soaps do kill many germs on contact, you don't need to incur the additional expense to keep your family safe.
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