More Diet Tips From Our Experts
The latest diet trend these days is actually to veer away from trends altogether and to simply accept a healthy lifestyle. Nutritionists say that fad diets are out and basic healthy eating is in. But saying eat well and exercise isn't enough for most people. We still need guidelines and rules to keep us motivated and to keep us informed about what truly is healthy...
Here are some tips to keep your diet knowledge up and your weight down:
1. Choose smart snacks. Grazing on snacks all day doesn't need to be as awful as it sounds. In fact,

many nutritionists suggest eating between larger meals to keep cravings and overeating at bay. Have snacks prepared in advance-celery and carrot sticks, fruit salad, low-fat yogurt and granola, etc.-so that when hunger strikes you don't just head to your cupboard and grab what's easy (i.e. processed junk food).
2. Call a friend. When you're craving something not-so-great for your figure, turn to your cell instead. Calling a friend will help take your mind off your cravings and will give you someone to vent to about the woes of dieting. Offer up your own listening services to your friends so they can feel free to call you instead of binging themselves.
3. Turn off the tube. Eating while watching TV is a serious diet no-no. You hand begins to automatically dip back into the bag of pretzels or popcorn and before you know it, you've polished off a whole bag. Try eating more consciously, paying attention to every bite.
4. Eat breakfast. You may think that skipping a meal means skipping out on calories and therefore losing weight, but you're wrong. People who skip breakfast end up eating more later on in the day, as well as feeling sluggish and skimping out on exercise.
5. Picture yourself thin. Eating well is all about willpower and your willpower will strengthen if you keep your eye on the prize. You can do it!