The Health Scoop on Eggs
Eggs, which for years have gotten a bad rap for being unhealthy for your heart, can actually help prevent against coronary heart disease.
The opinion on an egg's nutrition seems to always be in flux. It's true that if you have really high cholesterol than you should probably cut back on your egg intake,

but for healthy men and women, an egg a day can actually do more help for their hearts than harm. In fact, you've got a better chance of heart failure due to stress than due to eating a moderate amount of eggs.
Eggs, which for years have gotten a bad rap for being unhealthy for your heart, can actually help prevent against coronary heart disease. Here's how:
* Eggs are packed with choline and betaine, two nutrients related to Vitamin B that lower high levels of homocysteine. Too much homocysteine can cause inflammation (read: heart attack), as well as increase your chances of stroke, Alzheimer's, dementia, and peripheral vascular disease.
* Eggs are full of healthy protein. A large egg provides about six grams of protein.
* Eggs contain riboflavin, a nutrient which gives you energy.
* Among the many vitamins and minerals packed into a single egg is Vitamin D, a vitamin that many people are deficient of (especially obese people or people with diabetes).
* Some eggs have high levels of omega-3 fatty acids which is gaining popularity as one of the most heart-friendly nutrients out there.
* Eggs are one of the most affordable forms of animal protein.
* Eggs fill you up and taste delicious! And since they're only about 75 calories each, it can easily be made a part of a healthy low fat, low calorie meal.
If you do have high cholesterol, or are trying to cut the fat in your diet, then you can still get most of the protein and nutrients from eating the egg white alone. All of the fat is in the yolk.
So next time someone threatens your egg intake, you just tell them that the new research on eggs shows that an egg a day keeps the doctor away!