Natural Acne Cures For You To Use At Home
Are you looking for natural acne cures? Acne effects most people at some time in their live. Acne is a very common skin disorder that involves the sebaceous glands in the back, face and neck. Suffering with acne will result in blackheads, cysts,pimples and spots.
The sebaceous glands job is to push out all the excess oil from the skin. They will inevitably clog up from time to time and this will result in a build up of oil and it is this that can cause acne. There are a lot of factors that contribute to acne vulgaris they include allergens,

emotional stress, heredity, hormones, liver abnormalities, oily skin and some medication. An excessive amount of poisons and toxins within your body is another big factor for your acne problem. The body uses the kidneys and the liver to filter out these poisons and toxins. But if the body contains too many off these poisons and toxins the kidneys and the liver will not be able to cope with the excess and your body will start to expel them through your skin by sweating. If all of these processes work at the same time they will inevitably disrupt the bodies natural healing capacity and create skin problems resulting in spots and pimples. There are a lot of natural acne cures on the market today that will help to cure your acne problem. You must however keep in mind that some of these remedies will need to be repeated over a 2 to 4 week period before any results will be seen. List below are some of the most recommended natural treatments for curing your acne. Oregon grape – This will help to guard against acne producing bacteria and should be taken daily. Echinacea – This is a herbal remedy derived from a plant from the daisy family commonly known as the purple cornflower. It should be taken every day to improve immunity. White vinegar – Pat the acne infected area of skin with a cotton pad soaked in white vinegar. Leave it on the skin for about 10 minutes and then rinse it off gently with cool water. Lemon Juice – Apply to the areas affected by spots, pimples and other skin conditions. Leave it on the skin for up to ten minutes and then rinse it off with cool water. Other citrus juices can be used, you can dilute them if they cause a stinging sensation. The solution will also work as a natural exfoliator rubbing off dead skin tissue. Dandelion and red clover – Using these daily will help to clear the liver of toxins. Zinc supplements – Taking these will help repair the tissue and prevent scarring of the skin. Vitamin a supplements – These will help in severe cases of acne but you must consult your doctor as taking an excessive amount can be toxic. Water – You should be drinking 6 – 8 glasses of water a day to keep your body hydrated and healthy. Drinking plenty of water will help to flush out the toxins and poisons that are affecting your body. Diet – You need to follow a well balance diet. Taking mineral and vitamin supplements will help to prevent nutritional deficiencies. Following a healthy diet plan and using natural acne cures will bring your body back into its natural balance and this will encourage the natural healing of your tissues.