Natural Cures for Headaches that Works Like a Charm
These natural cures for headaches may not be the immediate things that will come into your mind when you encounter this sickness. But it is definitely, worth trying, after all, no chemicals are involved in the healing process, therefore, no known side effects have been discovered.
Headache is a very common problem. It is usually caused by stress,
pollution or worse, can even be a symptom of an underlying illness.
The usual solution that we immediately think of is popping a pill like Paracetamol or Ibuprofen. However there are better and more natural cures for headache that can give immediate and even long-term relief.
The first and most widely accepted alternative natural cure for headache is acupuncture. This process is traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) that uses thin, hair-like needles. These needles are inserted to meridians or pathways of energy force in the body. The energy force is also known as "qi" (pronounced as "chee"). According to TCM, illnesses are caused by imbalances of "qi". Acupuncture solves that imbalance right away.
Another cure for headache and even migraine is called reiki therapy. This process of healing involves placing your hands over the part of the body that needs to be healed. There is an exact location in the body for every sickness. For headaches, you need to place your fingers over the temples of the person you are trying to heal and your palm at the upper part of the patient's head. If you're doing self-treatment, place your palms over your temples and let your fingers will be resting on your head. There are other hand positions that need to be followed depending on what type of headache is experienced by the patient. The positions above are for the most common headache type which is stress headache.
Finally, there is one more technique which is not commonly used and less-known than the last two cures above; it is called EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique. This natural cure for headaches also involves realigning "qi" or energy force. The cause of disruption is being healed and removed by doing positive and uplifting thinking. An affirmation is being recited while you tap pressure points in your body. For example you will say "Even though I have this headache, I completely and deeply accept myself" three times. After that, you have to recognize what level of pain you are feeling. Then, using your two fingers, tap the pressure points seven times while repeating the affirmation. The points are as follows: under the thumb, inside end of eyebrow, the bone outside the corner of your eye, under your eye's center, between the nose and upper lip, below the collar- bone, under the arm and on top of your head. You can repeat the procedure as long as you feel any pain.
These natural cures for headache may not be the most immediate solution that will come into your mind; but many have found that these alternative methods are better since you don’t need to pop a pill that may cause adverse effects in the long run. With these natural cures for headache, your pain will be gone in no time at all. You can truly say that they work like a real charm.