Natural Remedies for Eczema
Do you suffer from eczema? If you do you know the affect it can have on your life. There are a lot of people who find the medicines offered to them by their doctors just does not work for them. If you are one of these people you may want to consider trying natural remedies for eczema.
You may be shocked to find out how good they really are. Here are a few natural remedies for eczema that you can try:
Moisturising – The main thing you need to remember is that dry skin will crack and this will result in itching and possible infection. It is recommended that you moisturise at least twice a day. The best time to do this is after you have a bath or shower. When you finish just dry of the drops of water from your skin and apply the moisturiser too your damp skin,

this will help to lock in the extra moisture your skin needs.
Water- A regular intake of water will help your body to stay hydrated. Drinking two litres of water a day is recommended for eczema sufferers.
Vitamin E – This is a natural antioxidant. Vitamin E can remove all traces of bacteria and dirt when applied to the infected areas.
Diet – You need to eat foods that will help to regenerate your skin, salads and green vegetables are good for you. Anything with a high acid content is not. If you feel you can not make enough changes to your diet you can consider taking kelp supplements, these are naturally high in alkaline and will neutralize acids.
Probiotics- These are the good bacteria in your digestive system and are needed for you to maintain a good immune system. This will help your body to fight many diseases including eczema.
Oatmeal Bath- This is a very good way to also help you to relax. Simply pour two cupfuls of oatmeal into a lukewarm bath and soak for ten to fifteen minutes. Don't forget to moisturise when you get out.
Blueberry Leaf Extract – Is a natural based product that has very good anti inflammatory properties. You apply the extract in cream or lotion form.
Covering your skin – Wear clothing made from 100% cotton and stay clear of wool based clothes.
Looking after your skin - If you are going out in the sun always use sunblock and avoid spending too much time in the sun. .
Stress- Try to reduce your stress levels. Yoga and meditation are good for reducing stress.
Maintain a healthy lifestyle- This is always a good idea. Nothing beats clean living so quit smoking and drinking alcohol.
These are all good tips to help you with eczema. To help cure eczema forever you need to follow a completely natural system and stay with it. You will eventually get some relief.