Necessary Treatments For The Baby Bottle Tooth Decay
Baby bottle tooth decay occurs when sweetened liquids or those with natural sugars cling to an infant's teeth for long periods of time. Bacteria in the mouth thrive on this sugar and produce acids that attack the teeth. Child’s tooth can be prevented by taking some necessary measures.
The way your child smile pleases you a lot. So,

it is very important to preserve their teeth from any kind of harmful effect. Most often their teeth get affected due the bottle. The disease is called baby bottle tooth decay or Early Childhood Caries. The milk teeth are important for their chewing, speaking and good looking smile.The primary cause of tooth decay is bacterial infection. The bacteria pass to the infant from the mother through during feeding. At the time of feeding, the mother puts the feeding spoon in her mouth for testing the food. Then affected saliva passes to the baby. If your babies do not have right amount of fluoride, they are in a risk of tooth decay. It is a matter of pleasure that child’s tooth decay is preventable. The most common cause is drinking in bottle and the sugary food. When your baby is put in bed with a bottle tooth decay occurs. Sometime, a bottle is used to pacify a fussy baby. Generally, the upper front of their teeth is affected and sometimes other teeth also may victim of cavities. For various reasons, their teeth get affected of tooth decay. They Ways of preventing baby bottle tooth decay:*Never put juice, soft drinks or sugar water in bottles.*Do not feed your baby during its sleep. *In case of using a pacifier, cleanliness is must.*When your bay is one years of old, get him or her habituated with drinking from a cup. *Teach him taking healthy food. *Make your baby habituated to spit the foam during brushing. *Keep in supervision until your baby is six years of old. *Give only milk or breast milk in bottles*At the time of preparing food do not lick the spoon. The saliva will be exchange in this way. *After feeding your baby you need wipe the gum of your baby. Use gauze or washcloth for cleaning. *Use perfect sized brush for your baby. *Available child toothbrush and water is okay for cleaning. *It is not necessary using toothpaste. If you want to use it, consult a dentist for this. *Your dentist will suggest you the right amount of toothpaste when your baby is two years of old.Orlando Family dentist tells that it is important for you to take care of your baby so that your child may not be a victim of baby bottle tooth decay. Try to follow the instruction of a dentist. Following the instruction will be a wise decision for your baby throughout his life time. He will be able to lead a healthy oral life. His good food having that forms in early childhood will help him to keep his or dental health well and free from any kind of Dental health Hazard.