Nose Jobs – Discover What You Need to Know
Nose jobs are pretty popular these days. Whether you’re tired of looking in the mirror at a crooked nose or have trouble breathing, then surgery could be a viable option for you.
If you simply want a minor change to the way your nose looks,

or would prefer a complete overhaul, nose jobs are one of the most common procedures that can help you look and feel your best. It’s a relatively short operation that doesn’t usually an extended hospital stay. Just take some time to do a bit of background research to ensure you get the ideal results you’ve always wanted.
When you get a nose job, or rhinoplasty, this operation can involve a variety of procedures. Oftentimes, people get this operation strictly out of vanity. The process involves having a doctor reshape the nasal area by changing the size of nostrils or adjusting the bridge. However, some people get rhinoplasty for medical reasons such as a deviated septum, which affects breathing.
Nose jobs require a doctor to cut the nose to reveal cartilage and bone. Once this region is open, the surgeon will then use tools to mold and shape the area. When everything is in place, the area is then sewn together. While every procedure is different, on average, rhinoplasty can take anywhere from one to two hours to complete.
Side effects
As with any surgical procedure, nose jobs may result in side effects. Some people develop infections, may have a negative reaction to anesthesia or could experience excessive bleeding. Furthermore, some scarring could develop due to blood vessels that may burst as a result of the operation.
Soreness is to be expected after having rhinoplasty. There is also some bruising and swelling, which may increase in the days following the procedure. Some people experience black eyes after a rhinoplasty, which is normal and is no cause for alarm. To help combat some of these issues, doctors suggest you apply a cold compress to the area to help reduce some of the symptoms. Just be sure not to apply it directly to the nose; it’s best to insert the compress around the facial area.
Finding a doctor
It’s a good idea to do thorough research when looking for a physician to perform a nose job. You want someone that has been to an accredited medical school and who is board certified to practice plastic surgery. Also, make sure the surgeon has three to five years experience doing this particular