Yes. It’s an unfortunate fact. Diabetics are way more likely to suffer from E.D. (Erectile Dysfunction) than non diabetics. About 53 percent of men with diabetes suffer from some form of E.D. or another and the problem gets worse as men grow older. In fact, by age 70, only 1 in 20 men with diabetes will have avoided E.D. That means that 95 percent of all diabetic men will suffer or are currently suffering from E.D.
Yes. It's an unfortunate fact. Diabetics are way more likely to suffer from E.D. (Erectile Dysfunction) than non diabetics. About 53 percent of men with diabetes suffer from some form of E.D. or another and the problem gets worse as men grow older. In fact, by age 70, only 1 in 20 men with diabetes will have avoided E.D. That means that 95 percent of all diabetic men will suffer or are currently suffering from E.D. Erectile Dysfunction even affects younger diabetic men. Close to 1 in 10 or about nine percent of men ages 21 to 29 suffer from E.D. This is a very troublesome fact when you consider that these young men are at their sexual prime. Fortunately, recent studies have demonstrated that Levitra is helping diabetic men regain their sexual functions even after Viagra and other treatments have failed. More than half of all diabetic men taking Levitra experience positive changes in their erections.
E.D. occurs in Diabetic men because:
1. Diabetes restricts blood flow into the penis. Diabetes is known to thicken penile arteries and hence reduces the space for blood to flow into the penile chambers. Less blood means a limp member or an inadequate erection.
2. Higher glucose levels increase the risk of E.D. in men with diabetes because the build up of blood sugar will likely damage the nerves and arteries within the penis. When the penile nerves become damaged they won?t adequately send signals to the brain that an erection is necessary.
3. Men with diabetes tend to have lower levels of testosterone which is the principal male sex hormone.
A further problem that makes E.D. worse in men with diabetes is that some diabetes medications tend to increase a patient?s blood pressure and may increase anxiety and even cause ulcers. These factors increase the risk of E.D.
How effective is Levitra when used by diabetic men?
A study performed by the University of North Carolina?s school of medicine which evaluated the efficacy of Levitra in patients where Viagra just didn?t work, revealed that Levitra (vardenafil) is an effective and safe treatment for erectile dysfunction even for men who were not able to achieve erections using sildenafil (Viagra).
The study revealed that in patients with diabetes related E.D., Levitra was more prone to work than Viagra. Patients that had previously taken 100 mg dosages (the highest Viagra dosage) of Viagra without success tried Levitra and were successful many times over on their first intercourse attempt.
What is the story behind pre-emption?
The article visits the thorny legal question of pre-emption in relation to the liability of drug companies. It concludes that the Supreme Court should allow people injured by medications to sue.What is in a word?
Once you have accepted the idea of going to talk to someone about ED, who should you actually go to see?The main causes of ED.
Now we produce the list you've all been waiting for - I thought about saying, "dying to see", but that hardly seems appropriate. It's all the main causes of ED. Some are relatively minor. Other should make you think twice about refusing to go and talk to a doctor. Just taking Viagra, Cialis or Levitra is not the best answer for some of these diseases.