Plastic Surgeon After Weight Loss
If you have recently lost a large amount of weight, chances are you need the help of a plastic surgeon to deal with excess skin.
When a person gains a large amount of weight either quickly or over a long period of time,

the skin responds. Many people think of fat and the way it gathers and expands throughout the body. We don't always consider what the rest of the body is doing in response to this weight gain. All organs work overtime from the liver to the lungs to the skin. Yes - the skin is an organ of the human body, and when its host body is overweight or even obese, it notices.
Skin is an important organ. Obviously, without it the human being could not exist as we know it. The human skin is in charge of a lot of different processes within the body. It acts as protection for the other organs of the body and the muscular and nerve systems. Skin regulates body heat, helps with gland secretion, absorbs vitamins and nutrients and houses our sense of touch .As if this isn't important enoug,h it also is part of our individual identity varying in pigment, color and hosting hair follicles.
So, when a person gains a lot of weight and then loses a lot of weight, the skin goes along for the ride. It expands to allow for the growth of fat storage areas. It softens to allow for movement and expansion of the vascular system. Similar to the change that naturally occurs with skin as we age, this change happens more quickly. As we age, skin will change getting softer, more translucent and less resistant to wrinkles.
The plastic surgeon will first look at a person's skin when determining the best way to rid the patient's body of excess flab. They will determine the best options of the patient and try to figure out which direction to take the patient in. A plastic surgeon may choose to approach the patient about the positive affects of abdominoplasty, or the common tummy tuck. They may discuss the option of liposuction in multiple areas. The important thing that a good doctor will transmit to the patient is that they have options.
If a patient chooses to go with abdominoplasty as a way to treat some of the extra flab, they have likely been shown the tremendous results that the surgery can produce. Through just a few simple steps in a generally quick surgery, a patient can rid their torso of excess fat and skin, producing a leaner-looking abdomen.
Again, there are many options that a weight loss patient has when they approach a plastic surgeon. They will find that many doctors are very willing to help patients that have taken the initiative to lose weight and change their diet and lifestyle. Patients will be encouraged that that have made healthy life choices and rewarded for losing the excess weight.
If you have recently lost a lot of weight or know someone who has, talk to a plastic surgeon to see what options are available to help deal with excess skin that was left behind.