If you are thinking about getting several plastic surgery procedures done purely for aesthetic purposes, you should consider the reasons not to.
Many people have a strong desire to get plastic surgery. After all,

it is an elective procedure, and when patients make the choice to get incisions in their body, it is usually for a good reason. However, a strong desire for this kind of change is not always a good enough reason to get it done. In some cases, people go too far. Consider some of the reasons that getting several plastic surgery procedures done, whether all at once or over a lifetime, is not always a good idea.
Those who get several procedures done, especially all at once, are usually not doing it all for physical reasons. While it is normal to dislike a handful of things about your face or body, disliking various details enough to go under the knife to change them is not always healthy. If you feel the urge to do so, consider talking to a psychologist first. You may find that you are making up for psychological issues, or that something is missing in your life. Verbal or physical abuse, bad memories of a scary childhood suddenly popping up, and low self-esteem can all be reasons for opting for lots of plastic surgery. Of course, this is rarely the case when you just want a few changes to be made, especially over several years. A rule of thumb is that if your friends and family seem concerned about your plan, you may have a problem.
While major issues are quite rare, there is always some risk to plastic surgery. Even if you get the best practitioner available, you are putting your life in someone else's hands, and mistakes can be made. Hopefully the results are temporary or minor, but they can be fatal or at least devastating. The more surgeries you get, the more risks you are taking. Be sure you are ready to accept any consequences, especially if your regular doctor tells you that your health is too poor to undergo procedures, or that you are getting too much done.
Almost every plastic surgery procedure has a recovery period. It may last a few days or several months, but you will have to take time off work. During this time, you will have to take pain medications, which come with their own risks. For example, if you overdose, are allergic, or become addicted, you will have to deal with the consequences, possibly for life. Make sure you understand the risks of the medications every time you get a surgical incision in your body, and be prepared for the sometimes lengthy recovery period.
In some cases, there are good reasons to get multiple procedures done. If you have been in an accident and had trauma to the body or face, you probably feel you have little choice but to get some surgical changes made in an attempt to look how you did before. However, if you purely want the surgeries for appearance purposes, you should talk to a psychologist first, or at least your family and friends, to find out whether there is a better way to get the results you want.