Preparing for Breast Augmentation in Thailand The Right Way
It is important to note that breast augmentation in Thailand is not about adding implants to a woman's chest.
It is important to note that breast augmentation in Thailand is not about adding implants to a woman's chest. This procedure actually helps women achieve a firmer and fuller chest without the need for additional implants. It is an ideal surgery for women who have seen their breasts sag due to breastfeeding or other factors and wish to restore the elasticity and firmness they had in their youth. Women who have had breast cancer can also avail of breast augmentation in Thailand. This procedure is as close to being a time machine for women's breasts as possible given the current level of technology.
ProtectionAlthough surgeons in clinics like Naravee Aesthetic Center are among the best on the planet,

they still need assistance from the patients themselves. There are certain tests and precautions that must be taken before breast augmentation in Thailand is possible. You will meet the clinic’s medical team (several days before the surgery in some cases) to discuss your overall health. You will be checked for serious illnesses that may prevent you from undergoing the procedure. As safe as breast augmentation in Bangkok is, surgeons still have a duty to protect the patient. If they believe that you are not a suitable candidate, they will not perform the procedure.
Blood TestsThe tests carried out by Thai clinics are thorough and accurate thanks to the state-of-the-art equipment they use. You must undergo a screening test where doctors will measure your red and white blood cells as well as platelets. Potential problems that can be uncovered during a blood test include a patient being anemic (not enough iron in the blood), too many white blood cells (an indication of infection) or problems with blood clotting. You should not eat before this blood test is scheduled because it could result in you having an unreliable blood sugar reading. Other tests include a breast x-ray and mammogram. A full physical examination will also be performed and all the results will be combined to decide whether or not you are fit to have breast augmentation in Thailand performed on you.
No SmokingOne of the worst things you can do prior to a breast augmentation procedure is to continue smoking. As well as the usual adverse effect on your health, smoking also negatively affects the healing process. Thai surgeons may be among the world's best but they are not miracle workers. There will be a certain recovery time after the operation and smoking only increases the length of time it takes your body to heal. Try and quit at least three weeks before the procedure and don't smoke for a minimum of three weeks after. On the plus side, it may help you to quit for good and save you even more money on top of what was already salvaged because of breast augmentation in Thailand.
Give your body the best possible chance to heal from breast augmentation surgery in Thailand. The quicker you heal the more fun you will have with your new figure on the beaches and in the nightclubs of Thailand.