Prevent Stretch Marks

Apr 6


Max Bellamy

Max Bellamy

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This article provides useful, detailed information about Prevent Stretch Marks.


There are certain circumstances under which stretch marks are almost guaranteed. To be forewarned and not forearmed is therefore foolhardy – especially considering the near impossibility of getting rid of them later on. Without doubt,Prevent Stretch Marks Articles pregnancy in women and intentional weight loss in both sexes are the most danger-prone times.

Approximately 80% of all pregnant women can expect to develop at least some stretch marks around the waist, on the stomach, upper thighs, buttocks and breasts. However, stretch marks can also appear after breast augmentation. Whatever the cause for reasonably anticipating stretch marks is, prevention is definitely possible.

Among the main bulwarks against stretch marks in both men and women is a proper diet, which should include an adequate amount of proteins. Foods that contain sufficient vitamins C and E are also absolutely essential. These promote proper tissue regeneration and their intake goes a considerable way in preventing stretch marks.

Adequate and regular consumption of water (a minimum of eight glasses per day) will promote proper hydration of skin tissue, further battling the problem. Smokers should make every possible effort to quit. Apart from their other destructive effects, the contents of cigarette smoke cause skin tissue to lose its inherent elasticity.

The next important prophylactic measure is a regular exercise regimen. Keeping the muscles toned will ensure a \'tight fit\' for the skin and will prevent the drastic changes in contour and volume that can lead to stretch marks.

Moisturizing endangered or already stretched skin areas with vitamin E-rich compounds is highly recommended by skin care professionals. This should ideally be supplemented by oil massages to the areas most likely to be affected. The extracts of jojoba, avocado, aloe vera, olive oil and sweet almond have proved to be highly beneficial massage media for preventing stretch marks from developing.