Acne also known as acne vulgaris is a worldwide skin disorder and can affect many people's lives notably for those who have harsh acne on their skin. These people tend to be less self-confident and loses their self-esteem and get frustrated easily when other people look at them. If only you knew in the first place why you get acne, you can easily tackle the problem to its roots.
While there are some factors that are out of your control primarily for teenagers concerning hormonal changes in their bodies which are one of the causes for acne development, there are other factors that you can control to prevent acne or reduce acne proliferation. There is no magical instant secret to prevent acne but rather a natural real secret which is found in just our lifestyle. Just how we live and eat can impact in the formation of acne without knowing. So if you change your lifestyle and improve it, you can prevent acne or simply reduce the effect.
Here are some 3 simple acne preventing tips.
(1) Stress
Stress has its role to play in the appearance of acne. When you're under stress, your body produces more hormones than usual and as a result, more sebum. This sticky substance renders the skin oily and aids in the development of acne. While you can't avoid stress completely, you can at least deal with it and try to destress yourself by means of relaxation, meditation, yoga, deep breathing, exercise, music, taichi, a warm bath etc... Don't stress yourself too much as far as possible and even if you have, combat it by trying to relax your body every way you can. This will help in preventing or reducing acne.
(2) Exercise
Exercise is highly recommended just for the sake of staying healthy. But exercise does not only help in keeping fit but it can prevent acne as well. Regular exercises improve the blood flow to your skin and provides oxygen to your skin cells. Sweating is a good thing as your skin pores can be cleaned inside resulting in a healthier skin with less acne formation or acne disappearance. Like mentioned above, stress contributes to the over-production of hormones and exercise can rebalance them and as a result, acne is prevented or reduced.
As exercising improves fitness overall, the organs of your body will work much better and toxins will be released faster from your body along with the sweat. Toxins are among one of the culprits for acne outbreak and when you remain inactive physically, they can stay in your body. Also, drink lots of water when you exercise as the latter will remove the toxins from your body. Engage yourself in exercises like brisk walking, jogging, cycling and swimming.
(3) Diet
A poor diet is one of the major causes of acne. If you find yourself eating too many of the wrong types of foods, you might not be aware but there are great chances that these foods are contributing to your acne formation. Read my article specifically focused on diet and acne "Acne Diet - Acne Cure Diet Treatment".
So now that you have these 3 simple acne preventing tips, pay proper attention to them and you can prevent or reduce your acne from now on. Good luck.
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