Prostate Infection Symptoms: How To Detect Them?
Symptoms are classified into two – visible and invisible. They are subjective because the latter classification cannot be easily seen by nurses, diagn...
Symptoms are classified into two – visible and invisible. They are subjective because the latter classification cannot be easily seen by nurses,

diagnosticians, and even to doctors. These are what the patients experience regarding illness, disease or injury. Some symptoms include pain, discomfort, fever, chills, cold, heat, vertigo, nausea, and many more. To aid the diagnostic phase, symptoms are very necessary. With prostate cancer, the sad thing is there are no early prostate infection symptoms. This type of cancer is known when it is severe already, thus, this is one of the major causes of deaths in men all over the world. People oftentimes do a consultation when the disease is already intense. This is really a very negative practice. To ensure proper health condition, there should be a regular check up. One of the hot topics included in prostate cancer questions and answers is: What are the prostate infection symptoms? As observed by those prostate cancer patients these are what they experience:• the persons urinate frequently especially during night time• while urinating, there is difficulty in starting or stopping the urinary stream• weak or interrupted urinary stream• painful sensation during urination or ejaculation• blood in urine or semen• It must be noted that these are not symptoms of the cancer itself. These are only symptoms of the obstruction from the cancer growth within the prostate and surrounding tissues. Signs or symptoms of prostate cancer in men are palpable when prostate cancer cells has spread already. The symptoms then include: dull, incessant deep pain or stiffness in the pelvis, lower back, ribs or upper thighs; arthritic pain in the bones of those areas; loss of weight and appetite, fatigue, nausea, or vomiting.Prostate as in any other parts of the body must be taken care of. Genetics and diet greatly affect the prostate. Genetics run in the blood but diet can be adjusted or maintained. Good health is caused by eating the right kind and the right amount of food. Proper diet is the key to avoid if not reduce ailments or diseases. Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) helps to detect prostate problems symptoms. If there are prostate cancer warning signs detected Gleason staging system must be the next aid. This system helps to identify the treatment. The higher the score, the higher is the stage too and the more complicated the treatment is. Gleason staging system has grades 1 to 5. Again, this is not the treatment itself. This is only a tool to know the stage of the prostate cancer and the possible treatment which can be given to the patient. If one is already diagnosed with prostate cancer, he has to undergo further tests like CT scans and bone scans. To dig deeper on prostate cancer, causes of prostate cancer are not known by the scientists yet but they have been able to identify some risk factors that are related with this type of cancer. The most common risk factor is the age. No man below 40 has been diagnosed by this cancer. Almost 70% of cases are diagnosed in men over 50 years old. As revealed in studies, race is another major risk factor. African American men have the most common cases of this cancer and it is least common in Asian and American Indian men. Even if there is already latest treatment on prostate cancer, still it is the best if a man does not have a prostate cancer at all. It is still worthwhile to live when you can do or accomplish tasks given to you because you do not have any sickness at all.