One need only glance at the numbers associated with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) to realize the necessity of HIV testing. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate that 1.2 million Americans currently host HIV and 50,000 Americans become infected per year. Check out more from this article.
One need only glance at the numbers associated with
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) to realize the necessity of HIV testing. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate that 1.2 million Americans currently host HIV and 50,000 Americans become infected per year. Of these,

one-fifth don't even realize what they're carrying! It quickly becomes obvious that HIV testing is imperative to correctly judge and react to this expanding problem. Informed citizens can proactively address HIV if it affects their lives, and—equally important—they can take preventative measures to protect the rest of the populace.
That brings us to the enterprise of HIV testing itself. At present, the CDC recommends routine testing for everyone aged 13 to 64. Eventually, they'd like to see HIV testing become part-and-parcel of any screening or health care encounter. Until then, it's up to you to voluntarily contribute to their growing knowledge base and your own peace of mind. For that, you need facts; specifically, you need facts about rapid HIV testing, a groundbreaking alternative to traditional HIV testing methodology. In what ways, you ask? Let's find out:
How does it work?
Most HIV testing procedures, including rapid HIV testing, rely on antibody detection to determine results. A sample (blood, plasma, oral fluid, and sometimes urine) is collected and exposed to a prepared solution. If there are any HIV-specific antibodies in the sample, the test will display a positive result. Both traditional and rapid HIV tests consistently perform with 99% accuracy, and a positive result from either requires additional verification, usually an alternate HIV test such as the Western Blot test.
Rapid? As opposed to what?
Traditional HIV testing involves the Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA), a lengthy technique requiring a vein-derived blood sample and specialized laboratory equipment. These tests require two visits: one to administer pretest counseling and draw blood, and the second to deliver results and provide further counseling or referrals. The period between the two visits can take anywhere from a few days to several weeks depending on various delays in shipping, laboratory protocol, or retesting.
In contrast, rapid HIV testing is vastly more convenient. The entire procedure takes less than half an hour and requires only one visit, including counseling.
What are the other benefits?
Because most clients at
STD clinics receive negative test results, millions of them can eliminate the need for a second visit if they opt for rapid HIV testing. This saves both the client and the practitioner time and money. It's also an unfortunate reality that many traditional HIV testing clients don't return for their test results at all. Rapid HIV testing neatly solves this problem with same-day, on-site results. Furthermore, those persons who test HIV-positive through rapid testing can receive immediate counseling to avoid possible transmission while they wait for confirmed results.
What does this mean for clinics?
Rapid HIV testing is considerably cheaper, faster, and easier for STD clinics to perform, meaning they can treat regional patients more effectively and in greater numbers. As medical technology advances, this contributes to an improved public perception of HIV testing and furthers awareness of HIV infection and the need to combat it. Rapid HIV testing also provides a wider variety of secondary testing options to vet positive reactions and ensure maximum reliability and precision.
As a final note, it should be remembered that the human body takes time to develop HIV antibodies—around 25 days, on average. An HIV-positive patient may thus end up with a false negative result if tested too early. Counseling can help determine the best course of action for patients with new intimate relationships or other complicating factors.