Dentures are actually artificial replacements utilized for the natural teeth and gums. If any disease, poor dental health or an accident has caused you to only have a few healthy natural teeth or none at all, a prothodentist or a dentist will suggest dentures to replace the missing tooth.
Dentures are the perfect choice if you have considerable erosion of the gum and jaw line which makes other dental processes like implants and crowns less desirable. They may also be utilized to replace the entire row of the teeth instead of a single tooth.
The perfect candidate for dentures
As dentures NY are relatively non-invasive, they are suitable for people who are not willing to go through a more extensive dental process like those utilized for dental implants.
Elderly people who can’t sit for a long time in a dentist’s chair are perfect candidates for the dentures. Some people also have eroded their jaw line and teeth to such a point that it is tough to do a crown or any kind of dental bridge.
Dentures might also suit you if you are missing a row of numerous teeth or your entire top or bottom teeth in a line. In these cases it might be simpler and less costly to get a complete set of false teeth rather than trying to redevelop every lost tooth.
What will the dentist do first?
Your dentist will analyze your mouth and fit a false tooth or a set of teeth that are molded according to your mouth shape. You will be asked to bite down on something to check for the fitting. The dentures are affixed in place with an adhesive which you cay from the drug stores or the chain grocery.
What are the various types of dentures?
These dentures can replace all the teeth and is often known as false teeth. They are manufactured of colored plastic base to replicate the artificial teeth and gum tissue that are manufactured either of plastic or porcelain. Complete dentures are put in place in the mouth by suction, therefore forming a seal to the gums, or they may also be attached to dental implants cost more than the conventional way of attaching complete dentures.
Most people may experience soreness initially during the initial placement of complete dentures and it may take some time to get accustomed with it. Instant dentures and traditional dentures are the two types of dentures available.
• Instant dentures are made in advance and are put right after the teeth are extracted. Your dentist will first take measurements and models of your teeth and jaw during the first visit to make the instant dentures. One benefit of instant denture is that you don’t have to live without teeth during the healing period which may take up to 6 months. This type of complete dentures also works as a protective shield for the tissues and can lessen bleeding after the extraction of the teeth. Nonetheless, one disadvantage is that instant dentures need frequent modifications during the healing period when the gums and bones shrink with the passage of time from lessened swelling.
• Traditional dentures are placed in position after the gum and jaw tissues have healed, generally almost 8-12 weeks after the tooth extraction, but may also take some more time.
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