Reasons Why Late Term Abortions Should Remain Legal

Mar 21


James S. Pendergraft

James S. Pendergraft

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There are some that would like to make abortion past 20 weeks illegal. There are multiple reasons why this should never occur due to pregnancies being a threat to the mother's life or health or there is a genetic fetal defect or significant fetal abnormality that is incompatible with life. These should lead to the patient having the choice to terminate her pregnancy if she chooses to do so.


There is a lot of discussion nowadays regarding Late Term Abortion. Many people would like to have it banned; others would like it to remain legal. In my opinion,Reasons Why Late Term Abortions Should Remain Legal Articles there are some good points why such a procedure should remain legal.

Late Term Abortion and Choice

Most people who support such abortions stand on the woman's freedom of choice; a woman must be given freedom on what she wants to happen to her pregnancy, especially in situations where there is danger to her life or health due to the pregnancy: Some of these situations include:

Pregnancy Complications

Conditions like Preeclampsia can develop late into pregnancy. It is characterized by high blood pressure and high levels of protein in the urine. If the condition cannot be controlled, it can be fatal for the mother if the pregnancy continues leading to liver failure, seizures, swelling of the brain and possible death. Delivery is the only remedy for this condition. In some cases where the pregnancy hasn't reached viability an abortion late in pregnancy is a possible option. Viability is defined as the possibility of the child being able to sustain life on its own or by support. The survival of life must be "meaningful".

Uncontrolled blood sugars in women with chronic insulin dependent diabetes can lead to neovasularization (new blood vessel formation) of the retina which can lead to decreased vision and possible temporary or permanent blindness.  Th bOnce this begins to occur, the only way to possibly stop the possibility of permanent blindness is to deliver the pregnancy.  Maintaining tight glucose control may not be successful in reversing this process.  The patient will need to make the decision of possibly terminating the pregnancy or delivering closer to term.

Fetal Defects

There are many genetic defects the fetus may have. While some defects affect only the child's appearance, there are other defects that can affect vital internal organs which can severely cripple a child's life and lead to perinatal morbidity and mortality. Instead of giving a potential child a very difficult life that will surely result in suffering and early death, some mothers and their families will choose to undergo a Late Term Abortion procedure.

If second trimester and third trimester abortions are banned, mothers who suffer from complications late in pregnancy will have to risk their lives in order to carry and give birth. Unfortunately, a lot of mothers have perished in such conditions. If an abortion were to be done, fatality rates are much lower.

Going To A Different State To Have Late Term Abortion Procedure Initiated

If an abortion is needed, but abortion clinics and hospitals cannot perform the procedure because of a ban by law or political pressure, then there is still a possible solution. Physicians who have had training can inject drugs into the fetal heart, buttocks, thigh, or umbilical vein that will make it stop. Once that is completed, a client can now proceed to go back to her physician and deliver a stillborn fetus in the hospital surrounded by family and friends who love her.